Grown Woman

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"Some people lose their love, but at the very least it shows we were in love to begin with, right?" Remi pleaded.

Jordan wiped his tears, "You could've just called it off. And spared me the embarrassment. I think I deserved that."

"I'm sorry, Jordan-"

"You left with him. Him! Did you ever love me at all? Or was I just the rebound?"

Remi took a breath and walked closer to him, "I met you at a time when things were raw and exhilarating, and the earth's significance appeared limitless. And it still is that way. It's just as beautiful. But this just wasn't...destined."

Jordan scoffed, "I asked you so many times. Over and over."

"I know," Remi sniffled.

"Why are you crying?," he asked.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Jordan." He didn't respond.

"Can i hug you?" She asked. He nodded as Remi went to hug him. His warm embrace never felt so cold. Once they released from the hug, Remi left his room and went into hers. Tears streamed down her face. She continued to pack her things. Jordan was filled with both sadness and rage. He rushed over to Remi's mother's house unannounced and unexpected. He pounded on the door until she answered.

"J-jordan? What are you doing here?"

Jordan sobbed, "She hurt me, Robyn. I don't know what to do."

"I'm so sorry, Jordan. I really am." Robyn responded pitifully.

"'s a good thing."

Robyn raised her brows, "W-why would a good thing?" Jordan stepped inside the house and closed the door.

"Now I can do this without feeling bad." He grabbed Robyn's face and kissed her. This thing has been going on for a while now. They'd sparked a sexual connection the moment Remi introduced them to one another.

Jordan picked her up and put her on the kitchen counter. He knocked off everything that was on top of it and laid her down.

"Not again," Robyn whispered to herself. She'd been trying to make things right with Remi's dad. Jordan pulled down her pajama shorts and kissed her inner thighs.


With a flick of his tongue, Robyn's eyes grew heavy and her body shifted. Jordan looked at her, "If you want me to stop, I'll stop."

Robyn took a breath before saying "Don't stop."

It was three weeks later, Remi and Jahari hadnt seen each other yet. Jahari wanted to spend time with his family before he left, most importantly his sister.

"I'm proud of you." Jayla smiled at him.

"For what?" He asked.

"You fought for what you wanted. It's the complete opposite of our dad...he's a pussy."

Jahari scoffed and gave her a hug, "I love you asshole, okay?"

"Don't get all sappy on me. I'll see you next year at some point."

Jahari sniffed as he let go of Jayla, "When I come back to the states come visit whenever you want. I'll pay for every ticket if you need me to." Jayla smiled softly.


"You're not a dick anymore." She joked.

"I love her. You'll know what that's like soon."

"Goodbye Jahari." Jayla sighed. Jahari put the rest of his things in his car and drove off to the airport.

Remi was nervous to see him again. She felt uneasy about the whole situation, it was completely crazy. Once she reached the airport she got out of the taxi, grabbed her things, and walked in. After she went through security she searched for Jahari. He saw her first and called out her name. Her face lit up and ran to him with bags in her hand. She dropped her bags and Jahari picked her up to kiss her.


"I love you," they both said.

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