Cant Let The Summer Pass

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"Heat makes people do crazy things," they say.
It was well over 100 degrees outside. Jahari had a cabin not far from his house. He'd invited Remi, Delilah, and others to have a campfire. Remi was the first one to arrive.

"Where's everyone else?" Jahari asked.

"Don't ask me. I came by myself. Delilah said she left her house an hour ago and she's not here. She's always late."

"You look nice."

"I always look nice Jahari." Remi smiled at him as she put her bag on the couch. The cabin was nice and cozy, it was comfortable.

"I didn't mean it like that, Rem. I was just saying that you look nice now."

"I know. I'm just messing with you."

"You're wearing my necklace."

"It's hot as hell out there." Remi said fanning herself.

"Yeah, it is." Jahari began taking off his shirt, exposing his glorious body. Remi tried to look away but couldn't.

She'd wanted him forever, and he had to have known that. Her heart beat two times faster as she hesitantly walked closer towards him.

Jahari pulled her in closer by the waist. She gasped as their pelvises touched. Jahari could feel Remi's heart beat.

Remi began to run her hand up Jahari's body, feeling his abs and chest. Remi took a quick look at Jahari's eyes, she slowly moved her hands back downwards. Her fingertips danced on his skin. She was getting closer to where his dick was.

"R-Remi" he stuttered.

"Do you know how long I've been trying to get your attention?...Now I got it."

"You've always had it Remi. You're an idiot." Jahari joked.

Her eyes fluttered, "Kiss me then." She responded.

Jahari grabbed her face and kissed her. With tongue. It was one of those kisses that lead to another and that lead to sex.

He felt on her body and squeezed her breasts. She moaned in his mouth and wrapped her legs on his waist while her arms were around his neck.

His hands were on her bottom and they supported her. They continued kissing as Jahari backed them against a wall. Remi put her hands in the air for Jahari to remove her shirt. He did and tossed it on the floor.

With one hand he pinned her hands above her head. He supported her back with the other, and kissed on her neck and breasts.

"Mm." She moaned.

Jahari let go of her hands and used that hand to support her bottom and carry her into the room across from them. He plopped her on the bed and took off her shorts.

"W-wait. Wait. Jahari, wait."

Jahari stopped himself from removing Remi's panties, "You okay?"

"I'm a virgin, you do know that?" Remi said as she sat up.

"...Are you sure you want to?" He asked. She scooted to the edge of the bed and took off Jahari's belt.

"I want you." She said as she pulled down his pants. Jahari stepped out of them and quickly removed his underwear, as did Remi. He grabbed a condom from his pants and put it on.

Remi laid back and waited for him to be inside of her. He leaned over and kissed her. She wanted to kiss him forever.

She blocked all thinking about what this was, what it could mean, what more mess she would create for herself. She closed her eyes, felt his lips at the back of her neck and felt his fingers tracing the length of her back.

A warm hand pressing her sex clasped, fingers slipping inside her, lips against her lips. She kissed him until reason slipped through her pores and she became a living pulse.

It was like relatively small explosions all over her, pieces of her that were thought dead were reigniting to life. He then ran his finger along her breastbone. He explored her and fondled her breasts.

He kissed her, and then slowly moved his lips down her belly. She felt herself being lifted as his lips reached her sex. His seducing eyes never leaving the naked spot they were covering.

He continues to watch, licking his lips – obviously beyond the sight's aroused, but there's nothing to hide her intimate folds and she felt exposed, wriggling, and self-assured that her blushing reached all the way down there.

He takes his delicious, arduous time-luxuriating in his private productivity. He doesn't quite make any moves to touch her, Remi shifts in a needy response. He grabbed her inner thighs and pushed them apart.

"Have you ever been ate out before?"

"Mm mm" she said and sighed. Remi's hips tilted by her own will, she had a need for contact. Slipping his hands around, cupping her back as he presses his nose into her sex, inhaling deeply.

Remi's legs were bent one on each side of his head with her knees resting. Her back side sits on his chest, taking her weight that leaves her secret opening utterly bulging and vulnerable, let alone very close to his depraved mouth.

She could feel his breath at her, fluttering and stuttering her heart. His sure hands move about and hold firmly onto her back, holding her in place.

She was able to get a sense of how easy it will be for him from this position to control her pelvic movements and it stirred her, being in such a power as this.

It was her own provocation to feel the rough satin strands of her hair against her sensitive inner thighs, raising her awareness of everything around her. He licked on her clitoris for a few moments and later on began to take two fingers, moving them in and out inside of her. He did it while he continued sucking. She whimpered as she gripped the sheets.

He slowly came to a stop and stood up. He hunched over her and kissed her once again so she can taste herself on his lips. He then grabbed his dick and put it in her, she gasped. He began to slowly stroke in and out.

She enjoyed being crushed beneath his body, enjoying his weight on her. She wanted him to be mounted to her, mouth to toe. Shivers traversed her body. The warm air pulsed through her blood. Her legs flexed around his back prompting him to go deeper.

"Jahari." she moaned. He grunted with every thrust.

"Fuck." He groaned.

And suddenly, the door slammed. "I'm here!" Said Delilah.

"Fuck! I-"

"Pull the fuck out." Remi demanded. Jahari took a few moments to pull out and rushed upstairs. Remi quickly put on her clothes. Delilah walked in with food.

"Remi? You're here already?" She asked.

"I- I just got here."


"Yes, Delilah?"

"Your shirt... is inside out."

Jahari came down with new clothes on. "Hey, baby. Oh hey, Remi! Did you come in with Delilah?!"

"I just got here like two minutes ago."

"I'm gonna go. Something is happening here and I don't want to be here to see it through."

Delilah left and Jahari went to lock the door. While he was upstairs he told everyone else he invited to stay home because he had "a virus".

"Damn it." Remi said to herself. The guilt she felt towards the Delilah situation was eating at her.

"Are you in the mood to finish?" Jahari said with a grin, taking off his belt.

But her body was hungry for more.

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