Chapter 3: The Dream

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Sorry about the long(ish) wait for this chapter, the last one was a bit short for my standards so I wanted to make up for that here. Be warned, there are a few themes in this chapter that are not for the faint of heart.

(Kions POV)

(Kions dream)

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(Kions dream)

I could see anything, there was darkness, darkness everywhere, yet I could still see me own body clear as day. "What is going on, this can't be real, can it?"

I heard a voice, I recognised it immediately, "Yes Kion, it is! Ha...haa...ha!"

It was scar, I didn't want to turn to the voice, I just ran, ran as fast as my legs would carry me, not that I could see where I was going. But I could still here Scars voice, it was in my head and no matter how much I ran, there was no getting away from him.

I stopped and turned to see Scars giant head. Although still made of fire, it was much more raging then when I defeated him in the caldera.

"I'm not afraid of you Scar, I've beaten you before, and I can do it again." I let out the Roar and his flames became agitated. 

Scars flames with distorted and shaking, it was kind of nauseating, although Scar didn't feel pain, he merely re manifested himself.

A physical form of scar began to form from the flames, he looks just like the paintings, but his eyes were glowing, and a green mist was emerging from them. 

"Why thank you Kion, it seems you have helped me return...once again." Scar said smiling, ready to fight me.

I meant what I said, I'm not afraid of him, I got into battle position. We both charged, clashing into each other. We were both standing on out hind legs as we pushed our weight against one another.

Since he was much bigger, Scar was able to push me back, knocking me back quite a bit, causing me to loose my balance.

I got up as soon as I came back to my sense. I lunged at Scar, basically hugging his face at that point, he was standing on his hind legs, trying to not fall over from my push. 

While I was as high up as I was going to get, I ended up unleashing my claws and slashing his face half a dozen times.

I then jumped off Scars face, landing on my feet, causing scar to fall over and growl in pain.

I stood there confidently, ready to end him, but then I heard a scream "HELP!" it was Ranis voice, I turned around but didn't see anyone, "Someone please!" 

I was caught off gurard by Ranis cry for help, Scar was abole to then pounce on me, I wasn't able to get him off, Scar was about to bit on my neck.

My pupils shrank, I filled with rage, I let out a normal roar and somehow mustered the strength to push Scar off me. He was dazed for a second, I wasted no time and sunk my teeth into Scar throat.

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