Chapter 6: Reunions

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Hey there, so I want to apologise for my lateness with this chapter. There's been a bit of shit happening IRL that has kind of stopped me from finding the time to write these long chapters. I can't say that it's over, so it might even been a while before chapter 7 gets released, but I guess we'll just have to see how it goes.

This chapter includes some themes regarding grief and depression. I have no intention at poking fun at these issues since they are both serious themes that, unfortunately some people have to deal with on a daily basis. Without spoiling to much they are used to convey emotions when I have deemed them appropriate.

(Baliyos POV)

I was dumbstruck, I couldn't move or believe what happened, Chuluun had betrayed me, after all we've been through, "I really thought she changed"

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I was dumbstruck, I couldn't move or believe what happened, Chuluun had betrayed me, after all we've been through, "I really thought she changed"

Makucha began to walk away but as he did Chuluun asked, "Hey Makucha, you love me, right?"

He didn't stop walking, he didn't turn his head, but he did speak, "Huh?..Uhh...yeah...sure." When he said this, Chuluun closed her eyes and sighed. She opened them to look at me. She looked at me with her one good eye and she smiled. She then turned to Makucha, who was still walking away.

In a few seconds, before I could even process what was happened, Chuluun pounced on Makucha. The evil leopard didn't even have a chance to react before Chuluun had sunk her teeth deep into his neck, killing him almost instantly.

All the leopards looked at her, she didn't care, she looked back at me, "Well are you coming or not?" She said with an innocent looking smile.

"I mean the caves changed me a little bit, but they somehow made Chuluun go from a diva to a-...well maybe just a little bit less of a diva, but she's a lot more enthusiastic now" 

I moved up next to her in my battle stance, "Right." All the leopards looked at us in fear, it looked like Makucha was their leader, and he was now laying lifeless on the floor...or so I thought.

Before I knew it Makucha was on my back, trying to bite at my neck the same way the Chuluun had just done to him. Chuluun was able to knock him off me and said, "I've got him, help the King."

I sarcastically said, "Oh yeah, leave it to me to take on a dozen leopards while you take just one." I then ran off to help the giant gorilla king. "Lada'i!" I ran over to help, Sokwe was able to shake off the leopards with primate strength and we began to battle the leopards.

I was able to hold my own, but Sokwe was pretty much doing all the work, I was just there to protect his flank. Within a matter of minutes we were able to put all then leopards on their tails, most of them had then ran away, the same way we came in.

I looked over to Chuluun to see her on the ground, Makucha was just about to snap at her throat, I tried to run to her aid but they were fighting very far away from us.

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