Chapter 10: Farewell

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Thank you all for 500 reads, means a lot guys

As promised before here are the word counts for the first ten chapters.

Chapter Word Count: 12,200

Story Word Count: 118,882

Up on the top of the high peaks of the Mountain Coalition. The winds are strong and a cold blizzard rampages across the mountain. Visibility is low and the leader of the coalition, Jax, has told everyone to be on alert. Telling everyone that anyone that is from the Tree of Life is to be seen as an enemy.

Throughout the last few months, Jax has been growing his numbers and training his fighters for combat. He had been planning this for a while and now he had finally acted on it. 

Out of the large networks of cave that make up the Mountain Coalition hideout, a pair of two cheetahs were out on patrol around the mountain. With the current blizzard, it was hard to see anything.

Cheetah 1: *Sigh* "Why are we out here again? It's bloody freezing."

Cheetah 2: "You idiot, Jax declared war on the Tree of Life, we're scouts, if we see anything, we need to tell him before they get here."

Cheetah 1: "Shouts for what? I can't see a damn thing in this blizzard. Why did we even declare war anyway? I thought they were our allies."

Cheetah 2: "Do you ever listen to anything? Once little Jackie was born, Fuli tried to take her for herself and the King and Queen tried to take her from Jax. Jax being the hero that he was, saved Jackie and brought her here."

Cheetah 1: "I guess that makes sense, but anyway, it's very convenient that we have been preparing for war the past few months."

Cheetah 2: "Jax must have had some feeling this was gonna happen, anyways, let's just keep patrolling."

Cheetah 1: "Okay." *Hears something beyond the visibility of the blizzard* "Hey, did you hear that?"

Cheetah 2: *Confused* " What did it sound like?"

Cheetah 1: "I'm...not sure." *Walks towards the sound*

As the cheetah made his way towards the mysterious sound, the other cheetah in the patrol began to loose sight of him. Just before the first cheetah was out of visibility. An unfamiliar silhouette came out from the blizzard, it attacked the cheetah and began to strangle him causing him to scream in pain before he was quickly silenced.

The second cheetah screamed in terror and was frozen with fear. She looked up to see a lion standing over her friend, with pure rage in his eyes. The second she tried to move, the lion dash at extreme speeds and killed her in an instant.

(Drakons POV)

"Fucking bastards, Jax must have sent out a patrol

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"Fucking bastards, Jax must have sent out a patrol. Just how long has he been preparing to do this. That little snake."

After taking out the patrol I made my way further up the mountain. After a few minutes the blizzard began to end, although it was still snowing to some extent. It was no longer blocking visibility.

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