Chapter 18: No Escape From Me

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**IMPORTENT* Just like the last chapter, this chapter takes place during the same time as chapters 16/17. Enjoy

Question of the Chapter: I've gotten a some feedback about ships and there's some conflict. DrakonxVitani or KopaxVitani?"

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(Meanwhile at the Tree of Life)

Ever since Rani was taken to by Janja, the Tree of Life has been suffering

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Ever since Rani was taken to by Janja, the Tree of Life has been suffering. Kion...although he tries his best to fulfil his duty as King, he struggles with dealing with the domestic affairs of the kingdoms inhabitants. He was raised to be a warrior, not a ruler, so he has a more militaristic view on situations rather then a diplomatic view like Rani does.

The animals all over the kingdom know and understand his troubles, they try their best to assist Kion and tolerate some of his decisions, when they would usually object, just because they can tell that the loss of Rani has been hard on him, as it has been hard on everyone.

As for the kingdoms defense, the Night Pride and Kings Guard work in their standard shifts like usually, however Fuli now leads the guard out on patrols, while Baliyo is still trying to protect the kingdom in the dark of night. Angas bird patrol work all around the clock, and since there are so many of them, it's easy for them to work in shifts, while also managing to cover all areas of the Tree of Life, and some of the outskirts that surround the Kingdom.

(Fulis POV)

(Fulis POV)

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It's been about two months since Rani was taken from us. It hasn't been easy on any of us, but it has been especially hard on Kion. Kions an amazing warrior and a capable leader, so it's strange for someone like me, who idolized and respects him, to see him struggling so much with Ranis duties. I guess it's on of the reasons why he hates the whole Kion 'The Fearless' thing. It labels him with impossible expectations, he's just like any other animals.

Kion has entrusted me with the protection of the kingdom, not that I could ever replace him, however I have been working the guard as much as possible to ensure that he doesn't have to worry about it. I just want him to leave it all to me, he has enough to deal with these days.

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