Chapter 15: Life At Point Carthage

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(Kopas POV)

(Kopas POV)

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"So...who the hell are you?" Jasiri asked me while I was lying on the floor. She had both a hint of bitterness and curiosity in her voice. At the very least she wasn't trying to tear out my throat like last time.

The rest of her clan surrounded me, they weren't hostile, but they were definitely cautious of me. Clearly their hostilities before was just a misunderstanding, or at least they seemed that way. I figured that I should at least tell her my name, but I'll keep my reasonings for being here and goals to myself.

"Kopa." I replied. Since I had been away from home for so long, I doubt that anyone would recognise my name, and even if they did, they would probably just associate it with someone who died as a cub.

Jasiri replied, "Kopa huh?...Alright Kopa, tell me...why are you here? And why the hell do you look exactly like that monster.?"

"What? That Leon guy? That's a mystery to me too. As for you first question, that's my business." I stood my ground not revealing anything about my motives, besides I have no idea who this hyena is, and I doubt she is friends with my family.

She gave me a stern look, clearly annoyed that I chose not to tell her my I was here, she asked, "Well then...Kopa, do you still plan on charging into the Pride Lands?"

I thought about it for a moment, "I need to find out where my family is, but I can't reveal to this hyena that I'm looking for them. So I'll answer her question with a question."

"That all depends. Who resides at Pride Rock?"

Jasiri replied with, "And why should I tell you? After all, you've told me nothing about what your doing?"

I looked away from her, slightly annoyed. "I'm looking for someone." I should have guessed that information wouldn't come free.

"Well you just met him, Leon took over the Pride Lands a few months ago, most of the herds were able to get out before his army could hunt them down. But they lack the proper environment in the outlands, not to mention there is a water shortage."

My eyes widened, "Your saying that the pridelanders are living in the outlands now?"

"Yes, although many herds left the outlands in search of a new home. We've lost most of our fighters."

"Hmm, so that means that they must be in the Outlands, there's no way my dad would give up on the Pride Lands so easily. He told me about how he abandoned his home once, 'never again' he said."

"Now I need to find out where they are, this hyena has a tendency to give more information then I ask for so how about..."

"So, what happened to the previous rulers? What happened once Leon took over?"

Jasiri smirked, "Ahh, so your looking for the royal family." Shit, she was able to find out what I wanted just based on two questions. "You might think your sneaky, but your pretty easy to read."

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