Chapter 22: Roaring Thunder

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Question of the Chapter: (Question is at the end of chapter because it is related to this chapter)

(Ranis POV)

(Ranis POV)

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"Amazing! Another glorious win for the gladiators! Once again it's all thanks to Queen Rani and her battle prowess and leadership skills! Our rising star is quickly becoming a fan favourite! Maybe she'll even surpass our Undefeated Champion Ruth!" Bwana the slavemaster mandril was hyping up the crowd as myself and a few other gladiators finished up our fight against some giraffes.

"Good stuff Rani, once again we prevail because of you." Jacob, the cheetah that I've become friendly with in the fighting pits was also fighting with us. 

I sighed, "Maybe, but we still lost a few. All because I made the wrong decision against their-"

Jacob cut me off, "Don't sell yourself short, those giraffes were vicious. I mean, without you, I doubt anyone would have survived. Now come on, I think we've overstayed our welcome in the arena, lets get back to the pits."

His words made me feel a little bit better, and his innocent looking smile instilled confidants in his words. Jacob gives me the vibes of a cinnamon roll, someone who seems really kind a sweet, but is also isn't afraid to get violent when those he cares about is in danger.

When we returned to the pits, I immediately saw two gladiators picking on Mirai, the little black wolf that I have grown protective over. Without hesitation I ran over there putting myself between Mirai and the gladiators.

I snarled, "If you two know what's good for you, you'll back!" 

"Ha, you care about a mere slave princess? Look at her she's weak, it's a miracle she's survived this long, as a matter of fact, I'm sure she'd only be more useful as todays dinner."

"Keep talking like that and you'll be dinner for her after I gut you like a fish. Actually, the arena didn't really satisfy me today, I've been itching for another fight, so go!" 

Every since the venom had worn off, I'd been able to fight at full strength, and I wasn't afraid to demonstrate it in the arena. As a matter of fact, the arena has actually honed my senses and battle prowess, I'm stronger then ever. 

Of course the two didn't want to show it, but they knew there was no way they would beat me in a fight. They both scoffed at me, "Forget this, let's get out of here. It's not worth the effort. As the two scurried away, one turned to me and said, "You better not be getting a big head princess, you're still nothing compared to Ruth."

I can tell this arena is changing me, I used to see the good in everyone, but this place just brings out the worst in everyone, and I'm no exception."

"Th-thanks again for the help...R-Rani...I'm sorry to be a burden on you." Mirai was sulking since I would have to do this several times a day. Down here she is just an easy target for someone to make themselves feel big.

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