Chapter 23: Dead Man Walking

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Got a bit longer of a chapter for you all this time, hope you enjoy :) EDIT This chapter unintentionally became the longest chapter I've written so far XD So I guess enjoy the mega chapter I have put together for you.

Question of the Chapter: (At the end again)

(Kions POV)

(Kions POV)

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Drakon and Fuli had returned from the Pride Lands, and with them they brought an army with them, a force larger then anything we have ever amassed. Although I know their reasons are different from mine, I'm thankful...This is the army that will bring Rani back to me, something to make up for my failure to protect her when Janja attacked us.

Many animals from the Tree of Life were waiting at the southern pass to welcome the pridelanders. It wasn't like they were suspicious of them, they understood why they were here and are grateful for it, but they were here more out of curiosity and entertainment.

Both the fighter from the Tree of Life, Dune Sea, and Western Tundra, and the fighters from the Pride Lands, Outlands, and Backlands were all gathered in the large plains and foothills the span from the southern pass to the Tree of Life itself, it was quite a sight to behold.

Drakon and Fuli made their way towards me, and following them were three very familiar faces, Vitani, Kopa, and Kovu. I was hoping that Kiara would also be following them, honestly, I could really use her support right now...I always found her annoying when we were cubs, but I really miss my big sis.

"I told you I'd be with you when it was time, didn't I little brother?" Kopa made a smart remark, referencing his promise he made to me before he left for the Pride Lands. 

"I'm glad to see you all again, if I'm honest...I wasn't sure that you would answer my call, after all, even with all the fighters you've brought, we are still severely outnumbered."

Vitani stepped forward, "That didn't stop you from helping us in the Battle for the Roars, what kind of kingdom would the Pride Lands be if we didn't help you in your time of need when you risked everything for us?"

"Vitanis right Kion..." Kovu spoke up, "The Warmonger may think of you as their main enemy, but they have made enemies out of all of us, we'll show them that they have bitten off more then they can chew."

Kovu seemed to notice my disappointment when I saw them, "I guess you hoped that Kiara would have come?" I nodded, "Trust me, she wanted to go...she almost killed me when I told her no, but the reality was that she needed to stay in the Pride Lands, for both your sake, and the sake of our cubs."

That's right, it had completely slipped my mind, Kiara was pregnant during the Battle of the Roars, she would have given birth a while ago, "Of course, I understand. Well, I'm sure that you are all tried from your journey, please-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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