Chapter 19: What Have You Done

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Aight look, a week late isn't that bad...I've just been really invested in my other story right now. But rest assured, I am still invested in this story and I have every intention of finishing it. We are beginning the final stage of this story, well at the very least the final stage of this story that I had planned, honestly I could probably keep writing this for another 10 years, but I doubt that it would be very entertaining after that long XD. Any, I'm thankful to the readers that have been with me since I released the first chapter, and if there are none of you left then...well I guess thanks to the ones who have stuck around the longest :). Anyway I think I've kept you guys waiting long enough. Enjoy the chapter, got some spicy plot shit coming up so stay tuned for that. P.S Don't scroll to the end unless you want a spoiler.

Question of the Chapter: Out of The Tree of Life, The Pride Lands, and Point Carthage, which part are you enjoying the most?

(Kions POV)

(Kions POV)

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Once we brought the western guard to the Tree of Life, Nirmala and Makini got to work on healing their injuries. Of course they were injures that I caused, so it's only right that we heal them up.

Zym was begging me to be the one to be healed first, since they had just attacked us and I was still majorly wounded. However I knew I wasn't going to die, just feel weak for a little bit, which I was fine with.

I assigned the Misfits to be the ones to keep a constant watch on them so that if they do wake up, they don't try anything. In the mean time, the Guard returned from the Dune Sea and reported that we will find out if they agree to an alliance by tomorrow.

Fuli told me about the suffering that the animals of Dune Sea went through at the paws of the Empire under Aces command. Their assistance would be highly valued, but it would be no where near enough.

Of course I left the Western Guard alive because I wanted to know why they attacked us, but the harsh truth is...we won't be able to hold back the Empire if we don't have the assistance of the Western Tundra.

(The Next Morning)

Out front of the Tree of Life, the Misfts and I were surrounding the Western Guard, waiting for them to wake up. Makini was also hear as she was treating their injuries. One by open by one the guard began to wake up. The wolf was the last one to wake up.

"Good, now that everyone is awake, we can begin." The wolf especially looked confused, however he was able to piece together what was going on by the expression of the other four. I looked towards the puma and asked, "Am I right in assuming that you are their leader?"

The puma shook her head, "That would be me." I looked towards the wolf who named himself as the leader. "My name is Alpha, I take it you are King Kion 'The Fearless', your reputation is not exaggerated, you truly are a fearsome opponent. It is a pleasure to meet you."

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