Chapter 8: The Aftermath

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"I'm on holidays now so hopefully you'll see chapter 8 soon." Yeah...that was a funny joke, well, luckily all my shit for uni is done. I have learnt that saying anything about the next chapter comes to bit me in the ass so I'm gonna just go with here's chapter 8, hope you enjoy.

P.S Sorry for the short chapter after the long wait (Well short for what I usually do) But I want to give you guys something just to prove I'm not dead XD. And to assure you that I am still working on this

(Kions POV)

(Kions POV)

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"I did it, all of us working together, we beat back Crixus." I stood in front of all of the pridelanders. Even though Janja survived, Crixus was dead. As I began to process what was happening Rani walked up to me with a limp.

" did it." I turned to her and nuzzeled her as we came to an embrace as she was worried about me.

"We did it Rani." I replied softly, "All of us, together." As we cuddled, the Misfits came out from the forest, panting.

"Sorry your majesty, we tried to stop her but she insisted she would come and see you." Zym stated with a worried face, the rest of the Misfits were more relieved then worried but were just as exhausted.

"Yup, and no one tell yours queen what to do." Rani said in a playful voice as she leaned her head onto me.

There was a moment of silence however it was broken by Anga flying in. "Kion, it's the King...err...I mean your dad, he's awake."

"How bad is it?" I asked concerningly 

"You should probably come and see for yourself." She replied, although she didn't say it, I knew that it was bad, I made my way through the forest as fast as I could with Rani as my side.

Once we reached the clearing where all the animals had been taking refuge, I saw my dad, his back was turned to me but he was sitting upright talking to my mom, Kiara, and Kovu. "Did I read Anga wrong? Maybe it's not as bad as we thought."

I approached them, everyone had a hint of sadness on their face, "Dad?" I asked.

He turned around to see me, but alas he couldn't, he had a leaf over his eyes, similar to what Chuluun had, but this time it was covering both of his eyes like a blind fold. "Dad? Your eyes! Are you..?

"Blind." He stated, "During my fight with Crixus, he got the better of my emotions, and he took my eyes, I won't ever see again."

I began to cry "Dad? I'm...sorry" I went in for a gentle hug, he then wrapped his paw around me, "Sorry? What could you have to be sorry for? If not for you, many of the animals that you see here wouldn't be here."

I continued the sob, "Yeah but, if I tried even a little bit harder, then maybe this wouldn't have happened."

There was a moment of silence, most likely a reaction from my words, but then something unexpected happened, I heard my dad let out a little chuckle. My crying stopped as I was now confused.

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