Chapter 12: Vendetta

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(Back to the present)

Outside the Tree Of Life, a selected few of it's protectors have been sent out to get some answers. With Kion and Rani stuck with dealing with a mysterious lion back at the tree, the Kings Guard have been tasked with finding out what Janja is planning

Even though it was night, the Night Pride was needed to protect the kingdom. The frozen tundra outside of the tree of life was freezing for these animals that are used to the savannah, but they pushed on knowing that they needed to get information on Janja

(Fulis POV)

"Why are we doing this again?" Bunga complained after a loud yawn

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"Why are we doing this again?" Bunga complained after a loud yawn. The honey badger was half asleep, which is a change since he is usually very energetic...a little too energetic if you ask me. I found his complaining a little annoying, but I was also tired so I couldn't blame him.

Before I could answer, Ono said, "Because...Bunga, if Janja really is out here, then that means either two things. One, he has taken control of Crixus' army and now decided that he wants to take the Tree of Life, or two, the predators under his command have disbanded and he's just here with a smaller clan."

Beste calmly said, "I really hope it's the latter, I don't want to witness what happened back at the Pride Lands again, it was horrible. I don't want that to happen to the Tree of Life, or any other animals."

While Beste was lamenting about the Battle For the Roars, Bunga was being his normal inconsiderate self, "Well yeah, I get that, but what about that lion the Night Pride brought in, couldn't we just...I don't know...ask him?"

I groaned, "No Bunga, that lion is half dead, and by the time he wakes up...if he wakes up, then it might be too late. We have to find out, now everyone be quiet, we're getting close." I knew where they were because I was following the hyenas scent.

After fighting hyenas for almost my whole life, I am very familiar with their scent. The five of us made our way towards the hyenas. I whispered, "Anga? Fly around and see if you can get a better angle, just remember to keep your distance and stay out of sight?" Anga nodded and flew off.

We made our way to a ridge where we finally made it to the hyena clan, they weren't able to see us. Before my eyes I saw an enraged Janja barking out orders to his hyenas. But there weren't just hyenas, it seems that Mama Binturong, and Ora were also here, as well as there friends.

Janja had somehow managed to keep Crixus' army together, however it seems they have less then he did, but that doesn't mean they are any less dangerous to the Tree of Life.

As for Janja himself, he was like a whole different hyena, nothing like he was when we last saw him, even from the days when he was following Scar. Janja had become deranged, borderline insane.

I whispered to the Kings Guard, "W-we should head back. We've got what we need, and we defintly don't want to get caught." I turned around to face the guard but no one was there. "Guys?" I whispered in panic.

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