Chapter 13: Can't Catch A Break

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(Kions POV)

(The next day)

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(The next day)

This morning was...less then a good start to the day. I couldn't really get to sleep, but luckily Rani was, she definitely needed some. I broke the news to the guard about Ranis 'situation'. It was a conversation that I didn't really want to have, just something I thought the guard should know.

I also told them about Angas decision to leave the guard, everyone was surprised, Ono especially, although he was not at all surprised by the reasoning for it. Besides, it's not like we'll never see Anga again, it's just that she won't be joining us on patrols anymore. It's just like when Rani retired from the Night Pride Patrol.

Right now, we were patrolling, for once, no attacks came upon our kingdom, which I was thankful for because I was exhausted from no sleep and yesterdays invasion. Although that didn't mean we were free to slack off, because it has been raining all day, even in the desert, leaving the guard to clean up after the storm.

It was just the five of us, just like the old days as the Lion Guard back in the Pride Lands, those were the days, back when the most we had to worry about was Janja and his clan or Rei Rei and her jackals.

"It feels really weird not having Anga here, I'm just flying by myself here." Ono said, still shocked at Angas sudden resignation of the guard.

Fuli tried to cheer him up, "Don't worry Ono, it's not like you'll never see her again. Hell, you live in the same nest." Which of course she was right, but I did agree with Ono, it did feel weird.

Bunga shouted, "I don't actually mind it, just like the good ole days. With the fiercest..." Pointing at me, "...the bravest..." Using both hands to point at himself, "...the strongest..." Jumping on Bestes back, "...the fastest..." He slides in front of Fuli, "...and the keenest of si-" He was about to point at Ono and then stopped himself when he realised that Ono wasnt the keenest of sight anymore.

Saying this made Ono feel a little sad. Bunga tried to make up for it by saying, "I...ahh...the smartest...Ono." He said pointing at Ono, trying very hard to be amusing.

"It's alright Bunga, I'm over my damaged eyesight now." Although this is what the egret claimed, every one of us knew that it was a lie. "Besides, it's not like my eyesight is terrible, it's just not as strong as before, I can still look for dangers and...stuff."

It was good that Ono was looking at the positives, Beste added, "Yeah, of course you can Ono, and besides, your the only one of us to of had two roles in the Lion Guard."

All this talk of the guard got Bunga a little exited, he ran up to me, since I was in front of everyone and yelled, "Hey Kion, the next time we see danger can we say of battle cry from the Lion Guard? Just for old times sake?" 

Since I wasn't really paying attention I didn't answer Bunga, not until Fuli said, "Uhh hello? Kion? You okay?" 

I jumped a little, "Oh yeah, sorry I was just thinking."

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