Chapter 20: Kion vs Drakon

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Hey guys, sorry about the short chapter, but I won't be able to write for about a month due to work, but I was able to get this chapter done so I hope it'll keep you guys happy, especially after last chapters cliff hanger. Anyway, although it is short it was still fun to write and I think you guys are really gonna enjoy it :)

Question of the Chapter: So Kions development so far...Rate it or Hate it?

(Drakons POV)

(Drakons POV)

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(The next morning)

After the battle...and the execution...Kion seemed off. Everyone was shocked about what he did, and there is no doubt that it was wrong. It may seem hypocritcal coming from someone like me, but what he did just wasn't right. What's looked like he enjoyed it.

I didn't have time to talk to Kion after the battle since he returned to the Tree of Life and hasn't left it since the battle. That being said, he has summoned me to see him in the morning, now I'm going to get some damn answers.

During the night my pride was able to get settled in Brendo Forest. Even though it's been a few months, our forest hasn't changed all that much, and thankfully it wasn't caught in the fire caused by those white lions.

When I woke up, I travelled to a nearby watering hole for a drink. It seemed that everyone was adapting nicely to the environment in Brendo Forest, it's similar to our old home which is nice, however everyone seems to be on edge.

"Drakon...I've been meeting to talk to you." I turned around and saw Ember, she then approached me and asked, "Does Kion seem different to you. I don't know if it's just me or not, but I swear he was a lot less..."

"Merciless?" I asked trying to finish her sentence, "Yeah, clearly something drastic has happened while we were away. I get that he might be different since Rani was captured, but a change like this? Especially for someone like doesn't make sense. Something else is going on here."

I walked away from the watering hole and eventually ran into both Vati and Nayla. Nayla was furious, "DRAKON! What the hell? I thought that you said this place was different, that the ruler here was someone who was both compassionate and strong. From what we saw yesterday, he's no different from all the other misogynistic pigs out there."

"I am of the same mind as Nayla, Drakon. The stories you told all of us about Kion 'The Fearless' gave us all hope that we could get away from the Warmongers clutches, someone that could protect us. But I didn't see that lion yesterday, I saw someone who is going down the same path as Kai, the packs old alpha."

Bone came up from behind me and said, "We all agreed to follow you Drakon, and if you pledge to this lion, then of course we're with you, but after what we saw yesterday..."

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