Chapter 14: Warmongers

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**Important** Hi all, just a quick heads up. Early in this chapter there are going to be some dark themes. Please don't think that this is me poking fun at these issues as these are problems that IRL people have to deal with. I want to make it clear that I think no one should have to deal with these problems ever. I am only adding them for the story and to develop certain behaviours and trauma. I will have a warning before I address these topics, so you may skip them if you feel uncomfortable reading about them.

On a happier note, I would like to thank everyone who has read up to this point, I know that a 13 hour book can be a slug to get through and I'm glad you guys are enjoying. unfortunately, large chapters like this take a while to write and I'm not as free as I used to be. That being said, I do post updates on how things are going in my conversations and I would post more if I had more then 6 followers XD (Thank you 6 people). What I'm trying to say is please follow me if you want to stay updated, thank you :)

(Kions POV)

(Later That Day)

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(Later That Day)

I stood upon the cliffs the boarder the Tree of Life and serve as our kingdoms natural defences, staring out into the east, the direction where I know she is. I was alone, and I hadn't moved from this spot all day.

With the sunset behind me I could tell that it was getting dark, Anga flew by, giving her report. "Kion, we've been searching all day, searched fifty miles in each direction, all of the birds searching. Nothing."

I dug my claws into the ground and grit my teeth in anger. I couldn't turn to face her, I just kept looking out into the horizon, and spoke with such hatred, "Not good enough Anga! Check again!"

Anga was clearly tired and I assumed all the other birds were as well, I just didn't care. She gave a small bow and flew off. We needed to get the queen back, we needed to get Rani back. It was my fault, I lost her, I couldn't beat Janja.

Fuli came to check on me, although all she could see was a sad lion beating himself up over his failures. "Kion?" She asked sincerely, "It's time to let this go."

"I can't Fuli, she's out there right now, she needs our help." I tried to explain.

"No Kion, Rani is strong, you know that, and she doesn't need our help, but she does need you to protect the kingdom. Without Rani, you are the ruler, and a lot of animals rely on that Kion."

I scoffed, "How am I meant to do that? I was raised as a warrior, not a ruler. I don't even know the first thing about ruling. No! Our priority is to get Rani back."

Fuli sighed, "To get Rani back, we need to find her, but she and Janja vanished without a trace, not even our keenest of sight could find her. Kion I promise you we will get her back-"

I cut her off by yelling "And how do you know that Fuli!?

"Because I know you two, and I know that nothing in this world can keep you two lovebirds separated."

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