Chapter 11: The Forest Pride

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**Important** This entire chapter is about Drakon, Proud, and the Forest Pride. There will be no story elements advancing the plot of the previous chapter, this is purely to tell the story of the past. So if you really wanted to skip this chapter you could, but it's not recommended.

Yeah yeah, feel free to yell at me in the comments, but hey I've got 2 chapters for you today, hope that makes up for it.

P.S Ran out of Images, so if any POVs dont have the characters photo, that's why.

(6 Years Ago)

In a place far beyond the boarders of any of the great kingdoms, lions lived in prides, no need for ruling over land. All they needed to worry about was finding food, water, and a mate. Compared to life in the kingdoms, the life in a pride was much harsher and more violent. It was common for many lion to be killed off when they were young.

During the savannahs dry season, two young cubs were playing around in a clearing, surrounded by dry and tall grass. Although they looked very different, the two were brothers. One with orange fur and a red tuff of hair on his head, and the other with dark brown fur and a black tuff.

The two cubs were away from the safety of their pride, causing many of them to panic, wondering where the youngest of the pride where.

(Drakons POV)

I was hiding in the tall grass, trying to find my younger brother Adonis

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I was hiding in the tall grass, trying to find my younger brother Adonis. The past few days I have been working on stalking and sneaking in the tall grass but I could never really get the hang of it. Just when I thought I was safe, I felt something jump on me.

I rolled and tumbled until we exited the tall grass and entering a clearing that was covered with dry mud. I looked up to see Adonis. "Ha, got you little bro." He boast. 

I scoffed, "Hey, I'm not your little brother. You may be bigger then me but I'm still older then you. 

Adonis rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever." He got off me and said, "Hey Drakon, why don't we play fight now. I bet I can beat you this time." Usually when we play fight I can am able to beat him pretty easily, despite the fact that he was slightly bigger then me. 

I smiled, "Oh yeah? Your on?" I wasted no time and dived on top of him. After a few minutes of playing around we heard something creeping around in the bushes. We both immediatly stopped. "Remember what dad said to do?" I asked Adonis.

"Yeah...hide in the tall grass." Before we had the chance to hide, something emerged from the tall grass behind us. We were both scared but we felt tremendous relief when we saw a white lion staring at us.

The white lion looked at me a chucked a bit at the face that I was giving him, "What's the matter Drakon? You look like you've seen a ghost." Said the white lion in a playful manner.

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