Chapter 4: Growing Up

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**IMPORTANT** I plan on changing the name of this story soon to 'Lion Guard Season 4: Love & War (A KionxRani Story)'. I will also be changing the image of this story soon, but that won't change until I have made it.

Hey there, so I think that I owe you all an explanation. The first three chapters of this story were all written within the span of a week, I do enjoy writing this story but if I over did it too quickly I felt that I would get burned out and just not won't to write, so instead, I took a short break. My break was only a few days and then I went back to writing. Unfortunately I got slammed by my work with shifts everyday making it hard to find time to write these lengthy chapters. Once my work finally calmed down, I started writing again, nice and refreshed, however I hit a major writers block when it came to Ranis POV, I had no idea how to continue the story, I knew where I wanted it to go but not how to get there. I didn't want to just start writing nonsense because I care about the quality of my work and not just the word count. Thank you all for being so patient, I just want to say that long chapters like this takes a while to write, but I'm going to try and release one a week, at the very latest one every two weeks, now that I've actually started I know generally how much time I need to put in for these chapters. Anyways I've kept you waiting long enough, enjoy.

 Anyways I've kept you waiting long enough, enjoy

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(One month later)

It has been a month since the tree of life made an alliance with the Mountain Coalition, however, since the incident in gaining their trust, King Kion and Queen Rani have both deemed that seeking other alliances is too risky right now.

The kingdom has been prospering well since the alliance was made, the Kings Guard has been patrolling the lands during the day just fine, dealing with the occasional poachers of predators and territorial heard seeking the tree of life's grazing grounds.

On the other hand, the Night Pride has been doing the same at night, with their Queen leading them forward to protect their kingdom. With the unfortunate loss of Baliyo, the Night Pride was down numbers and struggling to fend off attacks.

With this unfortunate loss, Ember has offered to  temporarily assist the Night Pride, although she wasn't very attuned to working in teams, she was probably just as strong as Baliyo was, helping out the pride immensely.

Meanwhile, Drakon felt the need to offer his assistance to the Kings Guard. Being constantly worried about Proud, he couldn't rest not knowing when he was going to attack. Although he helped King in the day, at night he would make plans with Ember and Rani about what would happen when he pride finally made it to the tree of life, nicknaming them as the Forest Pride, however, these were distant days.

Prouds Clan has remained in their same position, preventing the travel from the tree of life to the Forest Pride. Proud has not made any attacks against the tree of life since Anga had come back with her report.

Jax, leader of the Mountain Coalition has become mates with Fuli. Jax is usually at the tree of life on a 'diplomatic mission', but he usually uses this time to spend time with Fuli. As for her friends, Jax seems to get along with them just fine, as he has fought along side most of them in defence of either the tree of life or the southern mountains.

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