Chapter 5: King Kion 'The Fearless'

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(Drakons POV)

(Drakons POV)

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"Fuck...fuck, fuck, FUCK" I thought to myself as Jax and I had been sent flying through the air by a result of Kions roar. I didn't understand why he did that, we could of same him...couldn't we? Jax and I eventually landed in a pool of water that broke our fall, however we were much further then the summit of the volcano.

We both jumped out of the water and I immediately ran over to a tree and stared clawing at it in frustration, "DAMN IT!" My eyes were filled with fury and disappointment in myself for not being able to save him. Jax tried to calm me down.

"Calm down big man." Jax said, I was very annoyed at this.

"Calm down!? How the fuck do you expect me to do that? The King is dead man, he's fucking dead, or at least if he isn't yet, he's going to be." I shouted at him in frustration, but I knew that my anger was misdirected, it wasn't Jaxs fault. "I'm sorry." I said sincerely.

This resulted in a little smile from Jax, I continued. "We need to go back to the tree of life, tell Rani what happened. Who knows? Maybe they spared him or something, the kids resourceful, he has a knack for getting out of shitty situations like this. There's a chance, let's move."

I turned around and was about to start sprinting towards the tree of life but Jax said softly, "No."

I turned back to him, "What!?"

He continued, "I once thought you were a fool, now it's clear your just a fucking idiot. Crixus had us both captive easily, he has an army, and he swore revenge against Kion, and you think he is still alive? The only way I can see Kion getting out of there is if he roared, but he used that last of his strength to get us out of there. He's dead, I'm going home."

I yelled, "You fucking coward, you won't even try, want about your alliance?"

"I'm not a suicidal maniac like you Drakon, going back there is stupid, besides, the alliance holds with Rani. You can break the news to her, after all, you are her subject."

I turned around, "Fine, run along home arseling, I guess that's all your really good for. It was bad enough for Fuli to lose someone as close to her as Kion, but now you won't be there to comfort her." I then spat on the ground in disrespect. Before he could turn around I sprinted off accross the large tundra plains that surround the volcano, heading back to the tree of life.

After about a minute of running, I felt something run up beside me, it was Jax. "What are you doing here?"

Jax looked down, "I can't believe I'm doing this, but, I help you out on your suicide mission, not for Kion or Rani, but for Fuli."

I smiled and let out a little laugh, "That's it arseling, think with you cock, not your head."

Jax blushed a little, "Shut you ugly mouth Drakon." This just caused my to laugh even more. I could tell that Jax immediately regretted this decision, but I was glad that he wasn't as much of a cunt that I though he was, I mean he's still a cunt, but not that big a cunt.

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