Chapter 21: King Kion 'The Tyrant'

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There are a lot of POV changes in this chapter, I get that juggling them might be a bit confusing, but isn't that the glory of it? I like doing this to make the world feel more alive, you will be reading one thing and thinking about what could be happening somewhere else in the world at the same time. I wanted to do this in a similar style as game of thrones. It just shows that there is more to this story other then Kion or Rani. Anyway, I know a few of you have been awaiting this chapter so here and enjoy.

Question of the Chapter: Is Scar an ally...or an enemy?

(Kions POV)

(Kions POV)

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(A few days later)

Despite knowing that Fuli and Drakon are on their way to gather an army, my violent tendencies aren't getting any better. I had thought that Drakon knocking some sense into would of made me see reason, but the more I think about how all I can do is wait, the angrier I get.

I haven't been patrolling since I sent those two away, mostly because I don't want to cause any more problems by snapping at anyone who gets close to me. Makini has even moved out of the Tree of Life and now has her own treehouse to get away from me.

The Guard, the Misfits, and the Night Pride are all working hard, and all I can do to help is not get in their way. I was once the king that animals could feel save around, knowing that I would fight tooth and nail for them, but now, all they see is a monster.

"It's all your fault...Scar." As I thought that, scar appeared in front of my pedestal, him in his green misty ethereal like form. As it stood right now he was lower then me, looking up.

"Huh? You blame MEEEE? Tsk...tsk...tsk...Shame on you Kion. Blaming a poor dead old lion for your own misdeeds...Hahaha...I mean, it's not like I'm possessing you...although I may be trying to...You have full control over yourself, and thus have no one but yourself to blame."

Over the past few days, Scar is the only one I had really be talking too, everyone has been trying to avoid me. Because of this, I've gotten used to speaking to him out loud rather then his just reading my thoughts, and since no one is here, I don't have to worry about someone eavesdropping on us.

"You may not be controlling me directly but I have felt this anger's not my own. I don't know what your doing, but your making me more prone to violence, filling my mind with your hate, it's the same feeling as Usharis venom."

Scar then floated up to my level so that he was looking at me eye to eye. Even though he was levitating, he was still laying down with his paws crossed, probably some way to trying to look down on me with his body language.

"I don't see what the big deal is Kion. Those white lions were trying to capture you and kill your friends. They weren't holding back, so why shouldn't you? Show that bitch the true strength of your power."

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