Chapter 1

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AN: Minetta doesn't exist. I know, I know. I am the best human being in the world. I needed 20 people in the class and if I were to keep him, there would be too many students and things would get overly complicated. So yeah, enjoy.

Your POV:
It was raining. It was cold. It was lonely. I was alone, seven years ago today. The day I decided to do everything for him - Ejirou . I am currently 15 years old and walking through UA with my older brother Ejirou Kirishima and I am walking slowly behind him with a monetone expression with my plain black bag on my back with a silver scull keyring. You see, ever since his mum took me in I have been very protective of him and for some reason I can't stop. I have no idea what I am doing at a school like this other than I am following Ejirou and making his dream of being a pro hero - like Crimson Riot - a reality, whist keeping him safe. I couldn't care less where life takes us, as long as he is happy and healthy. So that has led us to the door of 1A, behind this door is the next generation of elite heroes, just waiting to prove their worth.
Ejirou opens the door. I have to admit, I am pretty disappointed. I was expecting at least one person with some sort of mutation quirk that made them look scary or someone like Hawks, Endeavour or All Might. But no, what we are greeted with is a girl with a ponytail that can defy gravity, a bird man, a tail man, a half and half boy with a scar on his face, a blonde, spiky haired boy and a blue haired boy who was yelling at the blonde, spiky haired boy for being 'disrespectful' .

I know, disappointing.

Anyway, everyone looked up at me and my brother and I immediately stepped in front of him. Though, I am much smaller than him so he just looked over me and greeted everyone's stares with a grin.

"Hey there, I'm Ejirou Kirishima and this is my sister (y/n)."
"Greetings, Kirishima and... Kirishima, I am Tenya Iida. Pleased to meet you." the blue haired boy replied to my brother while running up to us and chopping the air in front of us. Even after the greetings I still stand in front of Ejirou and I still haven't said a word since we left the house this morning. I think Ejirou noticed this.
"Oh, come on, (y/n) losen up a bit. There is no danger here at UA!" I look at him and then back at Iida, who looks confused by my brother's statement. Slowly I relax and step aside just as some more students walk on through the unnecessarily big doors of our new classroom. It's not my fault that I have a hard time trusting people, it took me 1 year to trust Ejirou and his mum when they first met me. If you wanna blame someone blame my foggy head!  Anyway, I feel eyes on the side of my head so I look to see who is most likely staring daggers at me, when I meet the gaze of the blonde, spiky haired boy that Iida was yelling at earlier. Our gaze locks for a moment, when his face goes bright red and then he turns away to stare out the window instead and he then starts to mutter something that I couldn't quite hear. What's his problem? He must mean harm if he was glaring at me. Wait, was he glaring at Ejirou but then when I turned my head he proceeded to look at me? Nobody glares at my brother like that!      (AN: Jesus (y/n) you are so stupid at times.)
Ejirou started making his way towards an empty desk and I start to  follow him, I sat down in the seat behind him so I can still see him and I am fairly far back so I can also see everyone else. I really don't want Ejirou to be a hero, all it is, is people fighting other people and all it does is breed disaster, distruction and death. There is no point in heroes and villains, I don't see what is so amazing about them, to me they are all just children in pyjamas fighting for the  favouritism of society. It's so annoying. I am only here because Ejirou is here. No other reason. I want to protect him from the dark side of the world - the traumatic side. I don't want to be a hero but at the same time, I don't want to be anything else. I have always had good grades in school and I have always been strong and fit because of my quirk. Not to mention my quirk is literally made for fighting and it is perfect for offence and defense all at once. Back in middle school, Ejirou used to get bullied a lot and everytime someone was doing something to him, I would beat the shit out of them. I got suspended once because of it, but I don't care. Ejirou is safe so I'm good. Anyway, Ejirou started to socialise with a pink girl with horns that is so energetic, a boy with werid-ass looking teeth and a blonde boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair. I, personally don't like socialising that much,but I will do it because I am not socialy awkward nor am I shy. So I am just gonna sit here and make sure none of these people hurt my brother. But I caught the blonde staring again, but he isn't staring at Ejirou. He is staring at me. Again, we lock eyes and he turns red and turns to look out the window. He is so fucking weird, if he wants to say something to me why doesn't he just come and talk to me instead of being a werido?

"It took you all 8 seconds to shut up. That needs to be improved if you want to be pro heroes in the future."

We all turn to look at the door but I can't see anyone. Maybe they are just standing the other side of the door? No, judging by everyone else's gazes this mysterious person is on the floor or extremely short. I am going to go with the first option. It would be very weird if he was that short with a voice as low as his. Then I see a ragged, old man rise from the floor in a yellow sleeping bag. Wow, when I walked through the door, I knew that I was disappointed but I wasn't expecting this. Are we a joke to the teachers of this school? Why is there a homeless man walking though the doors of Class 1A in a sleeping bag giving us orders? He better not be our homeroom teacher because that will be the cherry on top of the cake made out of shit.

" I am Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher, I know that this is short notice but please put these on and meet me in the training field."

Mr Aizawa holds up a PE uniform and the cherry on top of the cake gets placed.
"sigh". I slowly get up from my seat and leave for the girls changing room after picking up my PE uniform. I was the first one there and I enter the room with 2 of the other girls and a few boys about 4 meters behind me, I walk in and as soon as I walk in, I walk back out again about 3 seconds later. All of them, except my brother, are absolutely gobsmacked by how fast I changed. They took 3 steps each in the time I spent changing. I just look at them and then change my direction for the exit of the building, making my way to the training grounds. Mr Aizawa looks at me quite surprised but then carries on doing whatever he was doing. I know that the others are going to be a hot minute so I sit down in the middle of the field with my legs crossed and wait in complete silence. After a while, some students emerged from the changing rooms and I stand up, dust off the dirt off my ass and join them. Obviously, I stand next to Ejirou.I don't know these people because I didn't bother introducing myself to any of them.
The only ones, other than my brother, that knows my name in the first few people in class this morning and even then I didn't bother talking to them. Honestly, I don't really care about any of them. They aren't worth my time.

"We are doing a quirk assessment test." Mr Aizawa says in a rather bored tone. At this, everyone seemed to jump out of their skin, besides me and the half and half boy.

" But we are going to miss the ceremony!!!" a brown haired girl asks.

Isn't that a good thing? Ceremonies are boring as hell, I'd rather do this than go to an hour long ceremony.

"If you want to be pros then you can't go wasting your time on pointless things such a s ceremonies."

"But that is not fair!" the same girl shouts. Yes, it isn't fair, but by the look on our lovely teacher's face, I doubt he cares.

" Not fair? Nothing in life is fair. Do you think natural disasters are fair? Or a villain attack? No, they aren't. You see, here at UA, us teachers are allowed to teach class however we see fit. That is why this school has such good standards. This is what it takes to be a pro. Do you still think you have what it takes? If so, go beyond. Plus Ultra style." Wow. That would of been inspirational to someone that is NOT me. I don't want to be a pro so none of that 'hit different' to me.  This is going to be a long day.

What did you guys think of my first chapter? I have also released a Kiribaku story so if you want to read that, you can.  Until next time pumpkins. Go beyond, PLUS ULTRAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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