Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s POV:

We race forwards. Due to lack of practise, we wobbled at first but nevertheless, we started running. After a second to adjust we were fine, but it became increasingly difficult to steer with all of the attacks.
Somehow though, we managed.

We managed, until our headbands were stolen.

"HE GOT US!!" I hear Ashido shouting.
I turn to look behind us where I see a group with a blondie riding, trotting away while flaunting our headband.
Because I came second and Bakugou 4th, our headbands are thensecond highest in the game, under Midoriya.

This isn't good. All we need is to hold onto our headbands until the end to win and we couldn't even do that.

I think I know this dude though. I think his name is Monama? I know so little about him though. I don't know how smart he is, his quirk, his talents, his reflexes, his approach to the tasks or anything.

I'm going to go deaf from this guy. Honestly.
Does he ever stop shouting?

" It wasn't much of a stretch to imagine they D be letting a good number of us advanced to the next event. 14 or so seemed reasonable. It was the perfect chance to hang back and observe our soon to be rivals quirks and tendencies so it's only further we ended up placing more modestly."

" The whole class was in on it?" I hear my brother ask before hearing a warning about more coming from behind us from Ashido.

" Well not everyone but that wouldn't have been a bad idea instead of aiming for some fleeting 1st place like a horse going for a dangling carrot."

I glare.

" Ah, but you are already a celebrity aren't you? The victim of that sludge incident!!! I'll have to ask you about it sometime. How does it feel to get attacked by villains on annual basis?"

Well shit. Keep calm Bakugou.

"Kirishimas. We have a change in plans..."
He growls.

Welp, so much for staying calm. Why did I think he would stay calm???

" Before we go for Deku.. I've got a murder every last one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wow, he hates them that much? He would choose to kill them over Deku???

I guess we have no choice then. He won't go back on this.

" Calm down Bakugou. If you don't keep your cool will never get a point back!"

"I agree, don't be a dipshit, Bakugou."

" Keep it moving! I am as cool as ice!"

"I doubt that, but whatever..." I sigh. This is either gonna be over extremely quickly, or this guy is gonna toy with us for the rest of the round and we will lose. I'll have to pull us out after 5 minutes, we don't have time. We would still be able to pull off third if we take the smaller ones.

We charge but Monama's team dodge and push Bakugou out of the way before blasting him with an explosion.

What ? And explosion...? But that is Bakugou's quirk. Does that mean he can copy quirks?? Or is it a reflection quirk? No, it is definitely a copy because Bakugou's attack missed. Plus he wouldn't be able to pass the exam if he could only reflect. Reflect quirks only work on quirks that I am away of. He wouldn't be able to Reflect a physical attack from a robot AND score enough points to be in Class 1-B.

Unless he is just flat out stupid..

But he has outsmarted me so far so I doubt that.

Copy has to be it. I am sure of it!!

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