Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV:

We finally have finished with the weights and it looks to me like Bakugou struggled a bit. It might have something to do with the fact that I gave him weights that I said were 20kg but they were actually 25.


He did 25kg per arm. It was funny watching him struggle but I refused to give him any sign of it being funny because he would know something is up.

He tried his best and he actually did it. Well done to him. But still, it was funny as fuck.

The look on his face was so determined but he also had a hint of worry in his eyes, as if he thought he would drop it and damage his ego.

It was like he was fighting himself; it was like he was talking to himself in his head, giving himself the confidence to push through. It was so amusing to watch.

"Well done, Bakugou. You did better than I expected." I praised lightly.

"Tch, it was 40kg weights in total. Not a big deal, of course I could do it."

That is when I smirked at him.

"Oh? They were 20kg each? Really?" He looks at me confused.

"Maybe you should read the labels.... it might clear up why you struggled a bit..." I have a small smile on my face when he blows.

He then looks at the label and notices the difference in the weights.

"I told you I was going to push you hard in this training. I am very good at pushing people past their limits without even trying."

"You smug Bastard...." he breathed out with a smirk.

"If you said that you are to do a certain weight, I will up it to make sure it is a challenge for you, otherwise, what is the point?" I walk over to him and grab the weights off of him. One in both hand, just to rub it in his face that these are my usual ones and I used heavier ones earlier when we were working out.

I saw the look of surprise in his eyes before he hid it with an angry scowl.

"You're a bitch, you know that?"

"Yup. Now jump up, hot-shot, we got another thing to do."
I turn and walk back to the house to put the weights away.

"And what would that be?" He asks me.

I don't answer him though because I know my brother would.

"It is time to spar!!! This is my favourite part of her training schedule!!! Right, the rules are, you are not allowed to use your quirk and you are not allowed to use anything for a weapon. Just normal sparing, hand-to-hand combat. OK???"

There was a quick silence.

"Good." He said after a moment. Guessing Bakugou gave him a nod.

I proceeded to put the weights away and before I could go outside again, I see Touka sat on the sofa looking at a photo.

I walk up behind her and see that it was a picture of when she got married to Mr Kirishima.

"It was perfect. " She said.

"Our wedding was big and white. The flowers were gorgeous and the food was incredible. The music was amazing and the decorations were perfect. " She touched her husband on the photo.

"A perfect Wedding for the perfect man."

She then sighed and stood up.
She turned to look at me and I just looked back.

Brother. Bakugou Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now