Chapter 5

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Kirishima's POV:

It is currently 11.30pm and I haven't fallen asleep yet because I can't stop thinking about how weird (y/n) was today. I mean she is quite weird with new people but it was our second day today and she was worse than yesterday. She seemed really weird when we bumped into Midoryia on our way out of the school, she was also weird in the battle this morning because usually she would get the fight over with quickly, but she waited. I was expecting her to rush out of the room, to her enemies and face them head on, by herself... but she didn't....
Another thing is her interactions with Bakugou, usually she would reman calm and collected, but she struggled to do so.


Did something happen?

That is when I heard it. Just like every night. Her screams echoing through the house. I hate it when she screams like that . Though tonight it sounded more desperate than usual. Damn it, I hate this, it is every night and I cannot bear to hear her so sad and broken, sometimes she would just cry out in her sleep to 'get out' but she has never once told me what she is trying to 'get out ' of. It is also much earlier than usual. It usually doesn't occur until at least 2.
I move up knowing what was gonna come next because it happens every night. She might as well move into my room at this point, but she keeps declining.
I hear my door slowly creak open and I feel a shadow cast over my resting form. I turn over and lift the end of my duvet up so she can get in. She makes her way over and clambers in next to me, quickly closing the gap between us. She only cuddles me when it's a really bad one. That isn't a good sign. Maybe that is why she was acting strangely today?

" Hey, Beauty-cool." I whisper, " 'you OK?"
She just grips my shirt tighter and says a quiet 'yes', before pulling her head onto my chest.

When she isn't playing the role of 'protective sister' she is actually quite cuddly. I love it when she is cuddly, though I wish she would give me hugs when she isn't feeling like this or when I am in need of a hug. She is so closed off. Even to me! I don't want to push her to tell me. Especially since she is in this state. She cannot sleep through the night without someone by her side.

I have a feeling that the reoccurring nightmares have something to do with her life before she was a Kirishima but she claims to not remember anything before that- not even her old surname. The only thing she said she remembers is her first name, age, birthday, English, Japanese and the general knowledge that people have in day to day life. Like the stuff you learn at school or how to talk and think and stuff. I'm not sure whether I believe her or not, yet.

Even though I have been debating that for the whole of the 8 years I have known her.

"Are you gonna talk to me about it?"
"no, thank you." she whispered a reply. To which I sigh. She has to talk to me at some point.
"(y/n), you have to talk to somebody about this at some point. You can't keep your emotions bottled up anymore. It's not healthy."
She looked to be in thought for a moment.
"..... OK, I'll tell you." wait, what???
"y-you will?"
why did she give in so easily? Damn, I should have pushed her a long time ago of it was going to be this easy. There must be a catch.
"yeah, but not all of it."
Well there is the catch. Doesn't matter, I'll take what I have been offered.

"OK, thank you, (y/n). Start whenever you are ready." she hesitated for a minute but hen she took a deep breath and said 4 words.

"There was a man."  but then she stopped again. I think she is rethinking this. Better stop her before she closes off again.

"What does he look like?"

She looked up at me from my chest and whispered out a reply.

"I... I don't know. It was a silhouette. But he was talking to me. "

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