Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s POV:

He is doing a decent job fighting a mirror at the moment, but I am most definitely making him rewatch this match and tell me what his mistakes are. He has made a few already, and the match isn't close to finishing.

I cross my arms and huff.

What is he thinking? What am I saying? He isn't thinking at all! Fucking idiot. If this keeps up, it will be a competition of stamina as their quirks and fighting styles cancel each other out.

It is going to come down to who fucks up first, or who collapses from exhaustion first.

There is around a 25% chance of him winning, 25% of him losing and 50% chance of someone intervening because the match lasts too long or they both give up.

I have taught him better. Those odds are too small. I need to go over probability with him... again.

Who am I kidding? I am the one in the wrong here. I haven't taught him well enough. Maybe I should start with the basics and start all over again? No, that would frustrate him, but by doing that, his chances of improving in battles such as this one will increase significantly.

Depending on how much he improves from that, he might be able to improve by another 25%, making 50%. It will be a 25% loss and 25% draw. Those odds still aren't the best, but they will do.

Sorry, Ejirou, but we are starting again from basics, I know you won't like that, but it is what is best.

"Heyyyyy, (y/n)!!" I turn to face Kaminari leaning over the back of the chair next to me.

"What is it? And it's Kirishima to you."

"Jeez, I always call you (y/n), though! Stop being a spoiled sport! Anyways, whaccha thinking? A' you afraid he'll lose~?"

"No, the match will end in a tie. The probability of success falls below 25%, but the probability of failure is equal, leaving around 50% of them calling a draw. I am just thinking about the new training methods I should use in order to help him improve from this experience."

He looks at me confused.

"Isn't it like 50/50, though?" He sweatdrops.

I forgot, he is mentally insufficient, isn't he? Worst in the class when it comes to our education. How embarrassing for him.

"No." I simply answer him.

"Mathematically speaking, there is no such thing as 50/50 only 50% and 50%, but when it comes to probability, nothing is ever that even a chance and there is never only two factors to take into account. You must also take in the probability of both failing, an outside power intruding, an emergency, and the unexpected in general. People just use the term 50/50 because they don't actually do the maths for it. They just estimate, which is nowhere near accurate enough to use in battle."

"Erm, I'm just gonna stick to 50/50. Heh heh"

Oh boy.

"Whatever." I sigh.

"I gotta say, that is pretty impressive, Kirishima." Sero stands over the seats infront of me and sits infront of Kaminari/ next to me.

"I didn't take you for a probability person. I assumed you just predicted other people's movements and went front there."

I guess I understand why he would think that.

"I understand where you are coming from, but there is no full proof plan in the world without the maths behind the plan either being correct or the odds being good for your chances to be worth betting on. If the plan isn't any of these things, then the plan should be scrapped."

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