Chapter 22

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Ejirou!" I called to him as he walked out of the recovery girl's office. He turns to me and kind of half smiles at me.

"He-hey, beauty-cool..." He rubs the back off his neck sheepishly.

"What is wrong?" I walked up to him and stood next to him. I suddenly realised just how much taller he is to me. God, this is embarrassing. Oh well, I am younger, it shouldn't bother me...

"Nothing! Everything is fine!"

I stare at him, cross my arms, and raise my eyebrows.

"Uh huh, yeah, anyways, what is the matter?"

He looks at me, and he looks away nervously. Oh no, did I do something? No, I couldn't have! Maybe...the MATCH! He technically didn't win, and someone else is like identical to him. He must feel a bit under from that.

"Ejirou, if this is about Poundland Iron-man, you fought earlier, then don't worry about it. In about 20-25 minutes, you will have a rematch. You guys will arm wrestle, and I know you will win that! You excelled better than I thought you would, and I was very proud of you during that battle. It is t easy fighting a mirror, and yet here you are, about to kick his ass." I smiled at him. He smiled softly.

"Sis, not to sound rude or anything. But your words kinda hurt."

Those words hit me hard.

I... hurt him? How? What?

"I... don't u-understand..." shit, why'd I stutter??

"No!! I meant that... you need to work on your encouragement, is all..."

"No, that isn't what you meant. What did you mean?"

He looked taken aback. He hesitated before telling me.

"You said that I exceeded better than you thought I would...."

I was confused. That is a compliment, wasn't it? Why is he upset about it?

"Yes...I did..? Why does that upset you?"

"Because I didn't win, and I still did better than you thought I would mean you didn't believe I would win."

I look at him shocked. That isn't what I meant at all. I...I meant that the battle lasted longer than I thought! The results are still the same!

"No! Ejirou, that is not what I meant! Shit!" I put my hands on my head.
"Ejirou, my brother, I didn't mean that at all! The results of the battle were still the same as what I believed it would be. I was even talking about this earlier to Sero and Kaminari! They didn't understand shit of my probability, but they can back this up! I said it would end in a tie between you guys! I just meant that the fight lasted -"

He inturupted me by pulling me into a big bear hug.

"Shh, (Y/N), it's OK. I get it. I know what you mean. You are over explaining again."

I sighed and hugged him back... kind of.

"I'm sorry, Ejirou. Here I was trying to comfort you, and it ended up being the other way around yet again."

"No, sis." He pulls back and looks at me in the eye with his hands on both my shoulders.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, sis. I know that you never meant any harm by it, and also know what you are like." He giggles, and I look away, embarrassed.

"I... I mean... well... I...."

His giggles turn to laughter as he lets go of my shoulders and almost doubles back.

I just stare at him flustered from embarrassment, and then I glare through my red face.

"What is so funny?!" I say angrily.

"Hahaha, it's just... hahaha... your face!!! Hahaha!!"

I grit my teeth and turn to walk away, but Ejirou stops me.

"Where are you going?"

"To the stands again! It should be getting to the end of the Bakugou and Uraraka's battle round about now. Uraraka doesn't stand a chance against Bakugou, so it should be over pretty quickly."

He sighs,
"You know," He started, "you shouldn't underestimate her. She is pretty strong, too."

I think about what he said for a second before continuing on my way.

"Sure, Ei."

So what if she puts up a fight? She ain't beating Bakugou. She doesn't have enough experience to beat someone like him. Not yet, at least.

I get to the stands and look out at the match. I could feel the tension as explosions could be heard. Everyone in the arena was dead silence; all you could hear in the arena was booms and Uraraka's cries. Nothing else.

Kinda sad, to be honest. She should spare herself the blood, sweat, and tears. Nobody cares for the tears. Nobody cares for the weak. Not in the heroing world. You gotta be flashy and strong. Uraraka is not flashy, so she has to show off her strength. If my brother is right, then she would have to fight harder than ever before.

I hypothesise that she will come out with plenty of injuries while Bakugou will remain pretty much entirely untouched.

I then noticed a shadow over me and loom up. I see floating rocks and small boulders and bits of debris.

Wait... did she? I get it. I smile. I change my mind unless Bakugou has something up his sleeves to deal with that, and assuming he doesn't notice the rocks above him and weapons that he was creating for her, she may just pull it off.

All of a sudden, I am voting for Uraraka. She could do this. She just needs to focus and find a backup. That is it!

The rocks came down, and she ran at him.

Come on...

Wait... no! I wanna kick his ass!


All of a sudden, we were hit by a massive gust of wind, and bits of debris were flying everywhere. I ducked down behind the wall in front of us that was separating the arena from the seats and pressed against the wall. It was so loud, so overwhelming, so strong.

After it died down, I pulled myself up and looked down at the arena again.

"Uraraka?" I whisper, waiting for the smoke to clear.

Sadly, though, she was on the floor, and Bakugou was still standing completely untouched. That was an amazing move on both their ends. She used her abilities very well, and Bakugou used his brains and brawns at the same time and pulled through at the last second.

She wobbly stands up. Good, she has a backup plan. Bakugou would be weakened after that attack. Go for it, girl!

Unfortunately, she fell back down again.

Bakugou stops running at her and stares at her. Midnight then runs in and checks her.


"Urgh." I turn and grab Ejirou's hand and start walking away, him trying to finish his conversation quickly whilst being dragged away.

"What is it, (Y/N)? Something the matter?"
"Yes, you aren't preparing for the next round. Come on, you can beat that ore. Rock is harder than metal, so dont give up. Understand?"

We make eye contact, and he smirks at me. He is confident. He gained some confidence back. That is good. I was worried for a second there.

"Crystal!" He exclaimed, and we grabbed each other's hands and wrists in a best friend's manner. Like a handshake, but cooler. Yes, that is the right reader. It felt so cool!

"Then get your ass out there and kick his!"

He gives me a thumbs up and a big grin as he says,
"Oh, I will!" And he walked into the waiting room.

"Good," I mutter when he closed the door.

1295 words


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