Chapter 6

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Bakugou's POV :

Why do we have to do rescue training? I wanna kill the damn villains!!! When I am the number 1, I'll just get my sidekicks to do all of the rescuing for me while I kill all of my enemies!!!
Worst of all, I am now stuck on a bus with all of the dumbass extras, who won't shut up!!!
I am sat at the window so at least that is a plus side to it and I am sat next to earphone girl so she doesn't talk much.

"If you want hero-like quirks, just think of Bakugou and Todoroki over there."

Whatever, I already knew that.

"You guys are lucky with your quirks, they are all flashy and hero like, mine isn't very flashy at all, so it won't make me stand out at all."
tch, I won't admit it to him, but Shitty hair's quirk would come in useful in a lot of different situations.
"Ejirou, we talked about this."
And that shitty girl, the one that makes me feel funny and practically controls shitty hair, I hate her almost as much as Deku, she doesn't even try and yet she is good, like very good. She thinks she is so above the rest of us that she won't even tell anybody her quirk!!! Not only that, but  we know that her quirk isn't anything like Shitty hair's because they aren't biological siblings. I hate her. I really.... Really hate her.

"His anger won't help him much as a pro so he'll never be popular."

"what did you say??? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!!"
"See." Frog face points at me. Who does she think she is?
"Yeah. We have only been in this class for a few days and we already know that his personality is a steaming heap of garbage."

"I'll make you regret the day you ever applied to this school you loser!!!"

Damn them all!!!! I'll show them, every single one of them. I'll be the best hero there ever was and ever will be!!!!

"Quiet down, Pomeranian boy, we are almost there and I am sure some of us on this bus would like a bit of piece and quiet on this ride, so shut your pie-hole if you'd please."




"Pipe down, we're here."

Shit. I'll have to kill her later.

After we got off the bus, I head inside first so I don't have to deal with any more of the sniggerings. Once I made it inside and the others caught up to me, we were introduced to an astronaut. Their name is 13. Quirk:blackhole. How do I know this? No fucking clue.

"Hello, children. I am 13 and welcome to the USJ. USJ stands for Unforseen, Simulation Joint. This joint specialises in natural disasters, each section focusing on a different situation. A downpour, for example.
(I cannot remember the speech so I'm just writing the gist of it. 😂)

13 carries on their speech and I just do not care. When do we get to fight the bad guys? This place is for rescuing and rescuing only. There are no bad guys here or any fight training.

Mr Aizawa then pipes up at the end of the speech,“Now that that is over, we can begin - “ we can begin what? Mr Aizawa turns around and so does astronaut and they both stare at something as the lights flicker on and off. Something's up.
I look where my teachers are staring and I see some sort of black and purple mist with a hand sticking out of it.
That is nasty .
"13, protect the students ! Everyone huddle together. Those are real villians!"

'Real villians'? Fuck yeah, I can kick some ass after all.

(y/n)'s POV:

Villians? Here? Why now? Shit, I can't let them get close to Ejirou! He could get hurt, or worse. These lowlifes chose the wrong day to mess with me, I feel like shit after last night, so it is gonna be a struggle to protect him without any consequences.

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