Chapter 3

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I am sitting in class with All Might as he rambles on about his costume, while everyone is eagerly watching him. I think that it is rather interesting actually, but boring nevertheless. I just want to get on with the actual training.

"Alright, enough about me. Let's find out what you are up to today, shall we?!"
He holds up a card with the word 'battle' on it when blonde jumps out of his seat.
Finally something interesting and worth my time.
"Not just any fighting, young ones, but I will be skipping you guys ahead 3 steps so we can give you all a challenge. You will be doing 2 vs 2 indoor battles. But first, what is a hero without the fancy costumes?!" as he says that, lots of cases with numbers 1-20 on them come out of the wall.

( Kouda is in Mineta's seat (19) and you are in Kouda's old seat(9) so you are directly behind Ejirou and next to Iida and Tokoyami with Sato behind you and you are diagonally behind Katsuki. So you are number 9 ) .

"Everyone grab your costumes and meet me down at ground Beta in 10 minutes!!!!"  and then All Might disappeared out of the door at an inhuman pace. Again, I spent 3 seconds getting dressed and again, the others were shocked and, again, I'm waiting at the entrance for everyone to show up. Once they all do we walk down a long tunnel and everyone poses at the end. In their new hero costumes. Well, I didnt. I just stood there, looking at Ejirou's costume. It is cool but it is not gonna protect his upper body when his quirk is not an option. I need to talk to him about that later. Why didn't I just discuss his costume when he designed it?

All Might is explaining what is supposed to happen in the exercise and I blank out because I start obsessing over how reckless his costume is. So when I pick my letter I'll talk to Ejirou and ask what's happening...

I got letter C so I was with another girl called Yaoyurozu Momo. Her quirk is creation and she is a recommended student. I don't think I'll need my quirk today if she lives up to my expectations. That's good. I can save my quirk for later.
I go over to her and say
"I'm in your group by the looks of it. I don't care what you do, just make sure we win." I look at her unbothered by her supprised look.
"Kirishima, correct?" I nod.
"you seem like you do not wish you join in?"
"not if I don't have to."
"but this is to test us and so we can prove our own abilities to the class. Why do you wish to pass this opportunity?"
"because then I can have my quirk as a suprise later. And because I'm tired and can't be asked to do such a boring task just to show off."
She looks impressed and disappointed at the same time.
"One more thing, Kirishima..."
"go on"
"why are you in your PE uniform and not your hero costume?"
I smile slightly knowing that she is going to be even more interested in what I can do in a minute.
"simple, I don't have one. I didn't design one nor do I need one. Because of my quirk, designing an outfit would be a waste of time and materials seems I won't even be in it half of the time."
(don't think dirty pumpkins 😂)

Yep, I knew it. She is more than interested. I turn away from her and smirk.
I make my way over to one of the windows and sit in the windowsill and look out of it while Yaoyurozu started to block off the door with large, metal beams. I couldn't care less what she does as long as we win and I don't have to do anything. No, I am not lazy. I just don't see the point in this exercise.

After our 15 minutes start, I see our two opponents enter the door of the 12 story building. We are on the floor 2nd to the top. Because we are being smart, our opponents will assume that they are in the top floor and head there, while we are in a room hidden away on the 11th floor. Smart, I know. That was Yaoyurozu's idea. She is actually doing a good job here. Our opponents are a girl with purple hair and a boy with blonde hair. Their quirks are electricity and something to do with sound. For now I'll watch what my partner does and then watch the fun from here. I continue to look out of the window.
I told Yaoyurozu their quirks on the way in so we don't talk or walk around once the 'training exercise' starts. So she is sat by the door reading through a book. Where did she get that from? Anyway, and I'm just sat here looking at the sky.
We spend about 7 minutes of our time just sitting around. Then the 'heroes' turn up. Good, I was getting even more bored than I already was.
I look over at my partner as she put the book away and stands up while creating a metal pole out of her arm. That is actually quite cool. She gestures for me to come over but I just roll my eyes at her and then continue to look at the sky. I can't be asked to do this shit.

They spend 2 more minutes trying to break down the door. When they suddenly stop trying to get in. Then I look over to see why they stopped. Yaoyurozu just shrugges and then the door blows up. I cover my eyes because the sound was so high pitched it made them bleed.
Yaoyurozu gets blown away by the door and she is lying down at the other end of the room, underneath what appears to be the remains of the blown door. I quickly turn to look at the point where said door originally was to see two 'heroes' walking through and starting to run towards the bomb. Obviously they didn't see me. I manage to get infront of the bomb before they could do anything. They stop in their tracks.

"You aren't getting this bomb."

"Sorry, honey, but we are gonna win this one." the blonde one said. The girl remaining silent.

"sigh, okay then. What is your name? And you, what's your name while we're at it?"

"Denki Kaminari, sweetheart." He winked at me and the purple-haired girl rolled her eyes at him the exact same time I did.

"I'm Kyoka Jiro." she said before getting in a battle stance, Kaminari following suit.

"Okay, Kaminari , Jiro. I'm afraid that this match is already over. You can't get through me."

"Ha, you say that when it is two against one!!" Kaminari said with a confident smirk.

I smirk.

"Obviously you know nothing of real combat, otherwise you wouldn't of underestimated me just then and you would of analysed the sistuation better than you just did. You see, I have already done that, I know that you can't use your quirk right now Kaminari because your partner is right beside you. And you," I point at Jiro, " your quirk is sound , but judging by your costume design and your appearence, you would have to plug your earphone things in before you would be able to attack. I studied both of your quirks yesterday in the quirk assessment test, but I was smart enough to not use mine then so now - even though it is two against one- I have the upperhand." they both gasped at me and all of a sudden, all of that confindence went down the drain. That is my favourite bit.

"And obviously, you are in desperate need of improving your timing skills as well. There is about a minute left, did you know that? All I have to do is stall you for another 1 minute and I win! I have already stalled you for 5 minutes, I am fairly sure I can stall you for another 45 seconds."

"So....'heroes'.... what are you gonna do?'

They just stare at me at first, fear reflecting in their eyes. Suddenlt Jiro dashes forwards and goes in with her earphone jacks, I grab both of them in my hands and then I kick her in the stomach, knocking her to the side. Immediatly afterwards, Kaminari follows up with a punch, which I dodge. The I grab his arm and throw him over my shoulder, him landing on Jiro's back. I then axe kick kaminari in the back so it damages both of them.


"argh, oof"

I then stand next to them, just looking at them. I don't really know what to do now, I should just wait until time runs out. Wait, no. I should check on my partner. But then they might get up and get the bomb. I -


Well that solves my problem. I go over to Yaoyurozu and check on her, luckily for her, she wasn't hurt. The 'heroes' that we faced are trying to talk to me but I don't wanna talk to them so I just head back to the observation room to see Ejirou. Would he be happy that my team won? Was he even paying attention to me or was he making more friends? To be honest, I don't actually care as long as his team wins. By the way, my team was the last to battle so once we get back to the observation room to get our feedback, we will headback over to get changed. I don't really like the school's PE outfits so I should probobaly design myself an outfit. It doesn't really have to be anything good because hardly anyone will see it anyway, I kind of just need something that I can fight in , nothing else.


1676 WORDS.

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