Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s POV:

We make it to the last obstacle, but thanks to Todoroki's ice, I am now quite far behind. I need a faster way to reach him.

None of my armours are built for speed.
The only one I have that can hover that fast is in need of repair now. I'm going to have to wait 24 hours before it has completely been fixed by itself, so I can't use this one for the rest of today unless I need it so much that I will risk using a frozen armour.

I look ahead and see Todoroki pulling ahead again and I can hear Bakugou catching up.
I think it might come down to one of us three.

Unless Iida uses his speed to catch up, he might win this out of pure speed.

But I doubt that. He is probably behind quite a bit due to the drop obstacle earlier.

I think that if I am to win this, I will need another armour. I really don't want to, but I must.

"Requip." I stretch my arms to the sides in a T shape as light engulfs me.

" I stretch my arms to the sides in a T shape as light engulfs me

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"Heaven's wheel armour." I say as the lights fades.

I use the wings to glide across the field. I place my foot on the floor, avoiding the landmines before jumping and gliding again.

"Look at this folks, (y/n) Kirishima is catching up to the leader, Todoroki and she is doing it in a very fancy fashion.
Will she be the next 18+ pro hero after Midnight? Or-"

"Hell fucking no! I don't get to choose what my armours look like, stop sexualising me, I am 15 years old!"

An: her birthday hasn't gone yet. Sorry if this isn't your birthday, but her birthday is the 15th of December. So, she is still 15 rn.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I won't do it again..." He fades off.


This is one reason I don't use my armours. They are too revealing. It was really awkward when I was little.

(The magic of my armours is that they fit whoever is wearing it. It is impossible for it not to fit).

I glide after Todoroki and Bakugou is right on my tail.
As we close in to Todoroki, I notice how the landmines get closer to each other. This makes things more difficult. I slightly miss judged how close some of them are and stumble a little bit allowing Bakugou to catch up.

Bakugou appears at my side, blasting his way past me and then yelling at Todoroki.
He completely ignored me.

Whilst those two were fighting, I spent my time trying to catch up. I looked behind me and saw everyone being careful with getting past the mines, while we are here going as fast as if we weren't on mines.

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