Chapter 2

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Your POV:


... Seriously??? 'die'?

"706.9 metres."

Aizawa is now talking about what each of the different 'tests' are and I (as usual) don't care. I am not gonna stay here and act like I care fir something like this. I just want to go home and read my new manga. Apparently, Tokyo Ghoul manga is way better than the anime so imma read that seems I was disappointed by some of the seasons. Anyway, Aizawa is now showing a rather sadistic smile that is kind of strange. Why is he smiling like that? I should probably pay attention more even if I don't care what people are talking about.

"Fun? You think this is going to be fun? Well, if you think your time at UA will be all fun and games than you can go home now. How about this.... Whoever comes last in the tests, will be deemed a lost cause and will be immediately expelled."

Well, that is why he has that shit eating grin on his face. Not gonna lie, that will be awesome to see someone getting expelled on the first day. I think that this guy is growing on me.

The first test is a 50 metre run. This will be easy to do. I go on runs every day with Ejirou so I will get a good score on this whether I use my quirk or not. I don't think I will use it though, because then I can keep my power a surprise, so I can kick ass later on.

"7.21 seconds."

That is a decent score. I look at Ejirou, who gives me a thumbs up while everyone else has their jaws against the floors. I originally was going to say something snarky but I think that walking away without saying anything is more cool. So, I walk over to Ejirou and stand behind him, but slightly to the side so I can see over him. (damn, I am so short. Why do I have to be 5"2?)
AN: sorry if you are not this height.

Because my brother is freaking out about the tests, he is obviously sweating, should I talk to him? I'm not very good with making people feel better, I guess I should give it a go.
"Ejirou, are you okay? You look like you are about to be murdered."
Damn it, (y/n) 'murdered'? That is what you come up with. For fuck's sake.
"O-oh, (y/n), I am okay..." he is looking at me weirdly. I bet it was because I said he looked like he was about to be killed... A slight blush adorns my cheeks because my embarrassment and I turn away to watch the next people do their runs instead.

Bakugou's POV :

I did my run second and I beat that Shitty nerd, Deku. Of course I beat him, he is a useless, quirkless wannabe. What a loser. I look at who is next and then I see that girl from earlier, the one I couldn't look at for some reason, without feeling a warm sensation crawl across my face. I am interested to see what she is capable of.

What?!?! 7.21 seconds, without the usage of her quirk!!!!! How is that possible??? I need to beat her on the other tests. I beat her on this one and my ball throw went quite far... Wait. Why am I so concerned about beating her? I can feel my face heating up again. What is wrong with me? I look up at her and she is just standing there, her hair flowing so gracefully in the slight breeze. Damn.

"Damn, she's hot." shit, why did I say that!!!! Hopefully nobody heard me. I turn around quickly to see if anyone heard me and I turn around to see her brother staring at me. Shit. Her brother heard me. Of all the people here to hear me, its him. Quick say something, moron. Cover up for yourself...
I point at him and say quite quietly and quickly so nobody else can hear me.
"Tell anybody what I just said, Shitty hair, and I will kill you in the most slow and painful way imaginable." he starts to sweat nervously and he patheticly mutters a " I won't." and I leave to go and stand at the back of the group again. When I get there I turn back around to see where she is again and she moves behind her brother, she starts to talk to him and then after his reply she blushes. Shit, he told her didn't he? Wait, no he didn't. She would be looking around for me if he told her. Its just a basic human instinct. I decide to not focus on her any longer because it is putting me off of my game and if I am to kick ass today, I need to fucking focus.

The next test is the sidestepping test.


I can 3rd, shit. That shitty girl still managed to put me off my game, even though I completely forgot about her during those tests. How is that possible? In 4th is (y/n) Kirishima. Is that her? (y/n) Kirishima? It must be because there is 2 Kirishimas up there. She came 4th without using her quirk? Whatever her quirk is must be useless considering she didn't even use it. Plus, she seems like she doesn't even need it so it is most likely the result of her training without a quirk. Or... she is that strong opponent, which mean I need to up my game if I am to stay ahead of her. I glare at the back of her head while Mr hobo over there says that nobody is getting expelled.

Your POV :

Damn it, nobody is getting expelled. I was really looking forward to that. No offence to this Midorya kid. He looks like he won't last more than one minute in an actual fight. Especially against someone with a quirk like mine. What is up with him? Using a quirk isn't a good thing if you can't control it and you break your bones every time you use it. He shouldn't be here. He doesn't belong in this course. It's not just my opinion either, it's just facts. Dreams are okay to have and follow, as long as you don't die fullfilling them. No dream is worth your life. That is why I am here in the first place. I won't let Ejirou get hurt or worse because of a dream. Don't get me wrong, I am supportive of his dream, I just don't see what is so 'amazing ' about being a pro hero. All they do is solve violence with more violence and say it's for the good of society and then smile for the camera while breeding more villians because they just don't care about people. All they care about is their image to society and the victums of the so called 'heroes' then get labelled villains because they fight back against the heroes for rejecting them. It is all madness. Heroes aren't good but neither are the villains so all it is is a fight for the favour of society. I don't understand why Ejirou is so excited about becoming a part of all of this.

"Alright guys, head back to homeroom after you finish changing, Midorya take this and head to Recovery girl's office. She should fix it up for you, he then hands Midorya a piece of paper and he heads off. I start to leave as well but I feel someone's hand find a home on my shoulder. I turn to see who it is and I recognise him from homeroom this morning. He has a bird head, it is rather weird talking to a bird-man but it is also interesting.
"I saw you earlier this morning, as you entered the changing rooms I couldn't help but notice your rapid changing. Is there a reason for that?"
Noisy bastard. How dare he ask a lady about how she gets dressed before even introducing himself.
"Yes, there is a reason for that but I would rather not expose myself to a random... Person who thinks it is okay to talk to me like that before even introducing themself." you spoke up for the second time today. He looked taken-aback.
"Apologies, I am Fumikage Tokoyami, I had no desire to offend you. I was meerly curious."
"(Y/n) Kirishima, your apology has been accepted and you can find out later when I decide to actually try in one of these classes." he nods in response and walks away.
I didn't notice that I was being watched from afar.

Toshinori 's POV :

Young (Y/n), why didn't you try? You would of come first or at least second. Why did you let this opportunity pass? You have a bright future young lady, but you have to be willing to fight for it.

I walk away.

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