Chapter 7

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(y/n) 's POV :

Word of advice, when looking for someone, it would be helpful if you didn't go around in circles. It gets you nowhere.

" 'sigh' , where are you? Wait-I've been here before!!! "

I say as I look down at the fallen villians that I took down about 10 minutes ago. I then dropped my sword and just left it there.
Maybe I should head this way then?
I'm not very good with fire, it's annoying.

I cough twice before I turn another direction and go that way. I go straight this time, in hopes I don't go around in circles.....again.

About 2 minutes later I reach the end of the zone. Woah, I actually did that! I thought I'd be stuck in here forever! I cough again, "I need to get out of this smoke."

I look left and right to see if I can see the exit but I don't see it, but I do see a sign that says, 'exit' and then an arrow next to it pointing left.
"I guess I'm going that way then. Maybe, Ojirou made it out? " I say, finally making it to the exit. I step out and breathe.
Finally, air without smoke in it!!!!

I look around to see if I can see anyone, but all I can see is Mr Aizawa fighting the villians with a bad arm.

" he is still fighting? " wow, I would never say this out loud but, that is badass. He deserves a fucking raise. If he doesn't, I'll be talking to the principle myself.

Just then I hear, "Kirishima!!!! Are you alright???" I turn towards the sound where I see Ojirou running out of the fire hazard zone, unharmed.

"Ojirou, you had any trouble defeating them?" he stops about a meter away from me, confused.

"yeah, I was fine. I ended up doing a hit and run tactics, but I did it."
"good. I can't be asked to deal with more than necessary, today. I feel like shit."
He looks at me concerned.
"are you alright?" I look at him with my straight face and say
"yeah, sure, I just lack sleep at the moment. But after today, I'll be having a lie in if its the last thing I do."

Ojirou smiled at me and chuckled.
"honestly, I'm gonna do the same after the mess of our lesson today." he chuckled again.

I turn back to face Mr Aizawa again, still fighting the villians, though there is only 4 left.

"Ojirou, head to the exit and carry out the plan I told you earlier."

He nodds, "what will you do?"

"I got something to do." I reply as I look over at the collapsed zone, watching Bakugou walk out of the entrance with my brother following after.

"Ill be fine. Go, before we all run out of time."

"OK, be safe." he says and he used his tail to propel himself to the zone next door, going around the USJ so he doesn't interrupt the fight in the centre.

I then turn towards where Ejirou is before hearing a crash. I quickly turn back to Mr Aizawa, my eyes widening due to the gory scene in front of me.

Mr Aizawa has been crushed by a giant bird thing, with it's brain hanging out.
What the fuck is that thing???? He doesn't look human. It must be a mutation quirk or transformation quirk. Either way, that shit is nasty. I can't see what Mr Aizawa looks like or what is happening because it has its back to me and it is a bit far from me. But I can see the blood splattering everywhere.

I tear my eyes from the scene to look back at Ejirou, knowing that if he were to see this, he would freak out.
Crap, judging by his face, he has already seen it. Then the purple mist comes back to the middle of the USJ next to the dude who first came through the portal earlier. The hand dude. He has a pale blue coloured hair with red eyes and hands all over him. (I only know his eye colour because I saw them earlier. He too has his back to me. ) The mist guy is having a conversation with hand dude, though I can't hear what they are saying.

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