chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV:

"Come on, Ejirou, hurry it up!!! You still have 6 laps to go!!!" I yell back at him. We are running around the neighbourhood and we are so close to finishing those laps I told him he had to do for not telling me that Bakugou fucking Katsuki was coming over.

Speaking of the devil, he will be coming in 2 hours so once we finish up this, we will stretch, have showers and then get ready for his arrival.

"I... am... COMING!!!!!!" He yells out back at me from about 6 meters behind me.

"I am nowhere near your level of fitness and you know that!!!"

I giggle at him, " that is why this is funny to watch!!!" That will give him the motivation.

"Huh?!??! Excuse me!!!! You take pride in watching me suffer?!??! Fine then," He speed up to me and we run side by side (I have slowed down a bit because I am a nice sister) " I will race you home!!! We jave 5 more laps now that we have just passed the starting mark, and I'll finish before you."

He looks at me determined.

"Ha ," I say, " I'll be waiting for your slow ass at home, see ya." And then I speed up again.

Hehe I'm a nice sister.

"NO FAIR, WE DIDNT DAY GO!!!" He calls out from behind me.


"N...not.... fair." He sighs as he collapses at my feet. " had a... he..head...start."

I smirk and put my hands on my hips, towering over him, I say, "Or, you are a slow-poke" He pouts at me.

"Anyways, up you get, we gotta stretch and then get ready for the dickhead's arrival. Come on." I turn and start to walk inside the house.

" w..wait!" Ejirou gets up and follows me inside.

"He has a name you know, beauty-cool. "

"So do I." I smirk at him.

He blushes, "yeah, but at least my nickname for you is a nice one."

I shake my head, "whatever." I giggle.

We go to the front room to stretch and we see that Touka is sat down on the sofa with some tea. She turns to look at us and smiles.

"Hey you two. (Y/n)'s been working you hard, Ejirou?" She giggles. "You look exhausted honey."

"I had to do extra laps today, mum!!!" He wines at her and he sit down infront of her and places his face in her lap.

" I'm in paaaiiiinnnnnn." He whimpers.
"Hahaha," Touka laughs, " your the one who always asks for her help with training. Don't go moaning to me that you are tired, young man."

Honestly, Ei. The amount of times you go whining to Touka about my brutal training methods is funny. I'd love to watch this all day but we have got to get ready.

"Come on, Ei. Up you jump, we got stretches to do. Come on."

"Mmmmmmmm, noooooooooooooooo. I wanna slllleeeeeeeppppp."

See? Always whining.

" Ejirou, come on, Bakugou will be over soon and we need showers, so hurry up." I start to scratch my arms out as Ejirou drags himself off of his mum and lies on the floor.

"Ejirou." I warn him. " do you want Bakugou to know your tardiness? Or do you want him to think that you aren't smelly?" I ask him. "Better yet  do you wanna be in more pain tomorrow? Because if you don't stretch you will be in even more pain tomorrow and you will be doing the laps whether you are in pain or not."

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