Chapter 13

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Bakugou's POV:


I threw my covers off of my bed and quickly check the time, it has gone 2:30 in the morning and I heard someone scream.

I jump up and put my slippers on and run to the door. I put my hand on the handle but suddenly remember what Touka said earlier.

I need to stay in here....

It is what is best for her. I would make things worse.

I sigh before tuning around to head over to my bed when I hear shuffling outside of my door as well as heavy breathing.

I turn to face the door again and see a figure's shadow from under the door coming from the room opposite my door.

It must be (y/n). Where is she going?

I wait for her to leave before slowly and quietly opening my door to follow.
I see Shitty hair's door open slightly and I hear speaking inside of it.

She must of gone in there. Is that what Touka meant earlier about the moving around at night?

I take one step out of my room and stop.

"If you are worried about what is going on, you do not need to stress ok, honey? It is just something that happens that we cannot control."

Her scream, if I am number 1 hero in the future, there is no way I can just sit here and listen to this. I cannot allow that.

Why do I feel so protective?

I grab the handle and open the door slowly, in case she is still there, but she wasn't there.

So I quietly sneak put of the door in hopes of seeing where she went. I see Shitty hair's door slightly ajar and I hear soft pants inside. It must be her. Who else would it be?

I walk over to the door and peek in being careful of not being seen and my shadow seeping into the room. I see them in bed together, Kirishima comforting her.

"Shhh, its OK, Beauty-cool. Everything's fine. I promise."

"...I know.."

"(Y/n), do you remember anything?" I see them shift a little bit, her looking up at him.

"I... There was a face, but it was blank. I saw long red hair. And there was a hand reaching out to me, it had a wedding ring. A diamond. Very expensive. She was wearing purple nail polish and her hands were bleeding or it had blood on them. Shit, it's going!"

"Calm down, (y/n), tell me what you can."

"I... Err. Ahhh nooo, not again! God damn it.
I'm sorry, Ejirou."

She rests against his chest again and whimpers.

"Hey, remember that I told you to stop apologising for this stuff?" He pats her head before pushing her hair out of her face.

I squint my eyes, I can't really see her face. I can't tell by her voice how tired and on edge she is. Completely different to how she portrays herself at school.

"Sorry..." She replies.

He sighs before chucking at her answer. He then shifts in his bed to lie down.

"You OK? What is that face for?" He asks her. I can't see her face still, she is facing his chest.

"Do you think I disturbed him?"

"Who, Bakugou?"


My throat goes dry. Shit, I shouldn't be here. I turn around to leave when I see Touka staring at me. I stare back.

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