Chapter 10

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Kirishima Ejirou's POV:

I went upstairs to give (y/n) her protein shake that I made when I heard them inside mum's room.

"NO!!! We havent fought, Touka, i promise you. I just.... he got mad at me for what happened at the USJ and I didn't want to burden him after that. So once things have cooled down a bit, I was gonna start that again.... possibly."

What? Oh shoot. That is why she hasnt come into my room for the last 6 nights.

I didn't mean to make her feel that way. I just wanted her to understand that taking a hit like that is dangerous!!!!

I didn't mean to be mean. Crap, I was getting worried that she wasn't coming in at nights anymore.

I keep waking up at 2 in the morning and then waiting for the next half an hour for her to come but she never does. I guess her coming in almost every night to sleep with me at the same time has affected my body clock. I have become reliant on her as much as she is on me and now I am struggling without her.

This isn't good. I gotta make it up to her.

"Are you sure it isn't something else?"

"No . There is no other reason."

"Fine. Honey? If you change your mind, please tell me. Even if it isn't a therapist you are gonna talk to, I am perfectly fine with being that shoulder to cry on."

"I don't cry." She states rather hastily.

"Everyone crys sweetheart. It is normal and healthy."

"Not me."

(Y/n), me and you are gonna have to have another chat.

"I need to check on Ejirou. He has probably made another mess considering he is making himself a protein shake."

Even though this is supposed to be about her, she makes it about me. Protecting and taking care if me. Even though I made her feel this way. I really need to fix this. Wait....

Ah, crap. I haven't cleaned up yet, she is gonna be on my butt if I don't sort that.

I run back downstairs and put her shake on the table and rush to the island, I grab the sponge and I wipe down the powder that I dropped on the side and floor.

After a few minutes cleaning up, I hear her coming downstairs.

"Oh, hey, beauty-cool!!! I made you a protein shake as well as me. Its on the table in your bottle."

I hear her walking to the table and having a drink.

"Thanks Ejirou. "

She smiles at me.

"Anyway, Ejirou?"


She puts the shake on the table again and walk up behind me. She grabs my ear and yank it down. Oh god, oh god, she knows that i was listening!!!! IM GONNA DIE!!!!

"Why didn't you tell me that Bakugou fucking Katsuki is coming over tomorrow???? You know how I feel about that dipshit!!!"

"Ahhhh, I'm sorry. I thought you already knew!!!"

"And extra 15 laps of the neighbourhood."


"On top of the 20 we are doing anyway!!!"

"WHAT!!!!!!! I only wanted him over so you could get to know him."

She looks at me confused, before letting go of my ear. I turn to face her before I continue.

"Remember the bet? I still wanna win this." I smirk.

She rolls her eyes and smiks back at me.

"Judging by the way he is acting around me - he won't look at me and if we make eye contact he goes red and looks away, he yells at me, when he yells at you and I get him to back off, he glares before walking off without a fuss - I don't think your bet is gonna pull through."

Wait a minute, she thinks that Bakubro hates her???


"Damn, she's hot."


Wait a second.... does he?

No, I'll get proof first.

"Errr, yeah he doesn't hate you."

She just shakes her head looking at the floor, her hands finding a resting place on her hips.

"He doesn't? Than what do you call this?"


"Ha, like he would show admiration for anyone, especially me."

You have no idea the amount of fans you have in our class, do you?

"Oh, (y/n), you really have no idea do you?"

"What do I have no clue about?"

God she's clueless. But then again, she is when it comes to other people's admiration.

"Never mind."

Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get this one out of the way so I can finally move on 'the preparing for the Sports festival arc' even though it is mini.

778 words

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