Chapter 27

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Bakugou's POV:


She fucking kicked my ass!!! Why did I get the win?!?! I can't believe this shit.

I stomped through the arena with my hands in my pockets. Everyone who was watching is currently leaving for the break before the final round.

I am making my way towards the recovery lady's room again. Gotta give the bitch the phone number.

Damn it.

Once I reached the door I kicked it open and stomped on in. I can't be fucked with the whole knocking bullshit. I'm already pissed off.

She looks at me a bit startled.


"That is the name."

"What are you after? Did you win?"

I glared at her.

"I technically won, but no. I didn't. You won. You would have."

I clenched my fists.

"Hey, bitch. You got a grandfather?"

She looks at me, annoyed.

"Of course I don't! The last time I checked, I was adopted. Also, I am not a bitch, fuckface!"

What a bitch. I am NOT a fuckface! My face is not ugly!


"And why were you asking a fucking stupid question?"

I stop and look around.

"I'll tell you, but first, where is your brother?"

"He went to find Midnight to find out if she knows what happened to me."

"Ok. So there was this old man. He came to visit you claiming to be your grandfather, but he was obviously lying as he wasn't concerned about your well-being after your fucking meltdown. He gave me his number telling me to give it to you. He tried to catch you before your first match, but then I was there, so he didn't."

She nods at me, acknowledging what I said before taking the number.

"Did he have a name?" She asked me.

"Yeah, some guy named Toshinori Yagi. I told your brother he didn't say his name because he doesn't need to be involved in this unless you want him to."

She smirked at me.

"Didn't know you cared."


Shitty girl. Thinking I care for her and her brother. Fuck off.

"Just take the god damn piece of paper."

"Thank you."

"Go fuck yourself."

I left her alone in the room, slamming the door behind me.

I leaned against the door.

Why is my heart rate so fast right now? It is almost painful.

(Y/n)'s POV:

Who the fuck is Toshinori Yagi? And why is he trying to get a hold of me? Is he the guy I saw leaving the stadium during mine and Bakugou's fight? Or someone else? If not, what is this guy, and who was the guy in the stadium?

What even happened to me?

I'm so confused at what occurred.

I heard a bit of chatter outside of my room before the door opened, and in came Ejirou. I saw Bakugou leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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