Chapter 4

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Katsuki's POV:

What the actual fuck? That Kirishima girl just took down 2 people in like 2 seconds flat. Not to mention the fact that she didn't even use her quirk!!! Wait, what even is her quirk? I don't remember her using it yesterday. After my fight against Deku I felt like shit and after that icyhot's fight I felt even worse because I wouldn't be able to beat him either and now her. She isn't even a recommended student either. Fucking brat. First making me feel weird in classes and now acting like she is better than me! I need to knock her down a peg or two; I need to put her in her place. Fucking no good shitty girl.

"I think that the V. I. P of this battle was (y/n) Kirishima."

No surprise there. Nobody else really did anything.

"Does anyone wish to enlighten us to why she is the V. I. P?"


"I will." of course you will, ponytail.

"Although I was in the fight alongside her I didn't seem to be of much assistance . All I did was attempt to baracade the entrance with my quirk to stop our opponents from entering. I didn't see what Jiro did nor did I see Kaminari and because of that, I am willing to conclude that they struggled to find the 'bomb's' location in the building. On top of that, they failed to take the battle by defeating Kirishima. She didn't even use her quirk in this battle and they did but she still protected the 'bomb'. Additionally, Kirishima seemed to have had a strategy in mind from the very beginning. She studied their quirks yesterday and used their weaknesses against them in the end. She didn't do any unnecessary actions and had complete control of the battle from the start. She is a really talented student and I have a feeling that we will be seeing more of this in the unforeseeable future. "

Fucking show-off.

" Correct once again, young Yaoyurozu. You certainly have quite the keen eye young lady. "

" Thank you, All Might. "

The way she is standing there with her hands on her hips and  that smug look on that very punchable face makes me want to vomit!


"Anyway, back to the changing rooms young ones! You all demonstrated your abilities perfectly today. Whether you won or lost, be proud of what you accomplished today! I will be seeing you again!!!"

Suddenly I feel a blast of wind in my face causing me to squint my eyes. By the time I opened them again and the dust cleared the number 1 hero was out of sight. Is he seriously leaving us here alone? Especially with morons like the dunce face, discount pikatchu? He does realise that most of these extras are going cause a fire? Why is everything pissing me off today?


I am trying to eat my lunch in peace. Keyword being 'trying'. The fucking dumbasses are being louder than a foghorn. I just want to eat my food, is that too much to ask? As soon as I finish eating, I'm leaving before they can stop me.

"Oh my God, you have such an awesome sister Kiri, you're so lucky!!!!" Too loud.
"Oh, thanks, Mina, did you hear that beauty-cool?" Too loud. (Not my nickname)
"I did, thank you, Ashido." TOO LOUD!!!!
"Tch, do you morons ever shut up?"
"Oh come on, Bakubro-"
"Dont call me that, Dunce face!!!! "
why do they have to be such idiots and on top of that, why do they have to keep following me? For crying out loud, leave me alone.
"Shhh, Bakugou, you're making a scene!" "I don't give a shit, tape-arms! "
just then I see a shadow cast over me from behind. Naturally, I turn around to glare at whoever it was, that was until I saw who it was, that is when my eyes widen. I think that Dunce face has a death wish or something because he has the fucking balls to talk to our glaring teacher.
"H-hi, Mr Aizaw-wa. What are y-you doing here? Is everything alrig-?"
"You are being too loud."
Finally, someone who actually is able to make these morons shut up.
"If you can't be quiet, Bakugou, then you will have to eat somewhere else. You are disturbing other students in the room."

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