I'm Not Sick I'm Admiring The Toilet

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Ayo, what up everybody. Just a quick update.
I've been camping for over 2 weeks now.


Anyways Peter isn't sick sick. And like I said mint won't kill him, I always found that a little insane in fics where mint can make him drop dead

After losing his larb he moved to the toilet and knelt over it. He was feeling horrible. The terrible smell in the shower after he used that mint shampoo. And now this right when he used the toothpaste. The... mint toothpaste




Why mint? Why does mint cause this to him? Is he allergic to mint now?

He could hear rapid footsteps approaching the door. He heard a knock.

"Peter? Are you ok? Can we enter?" Tony asked.

"Yeah come in" he groaned, they could come in but he doesn't know if he's ok. He's feeling a little better but his throat burned and he thinks some vomit is in his nose. Which is stinging his nostrils.

The door opened and everyone rushed to him. He had shifted his position so he was sitting. Tony sat next to him rubbing his back hesitantly.

"You threw up?" Tony asked even though the vomit on the counter was a clear answer.

"Mint" he groaned again.

"What- mint?" Tony repeated confused

"Mint, spiders don't like mint" MJ spoke up and then picked up the mint toothpaste.

"Unless you haven't been brushing since you got bitten this is new" MJ said setting the toothpaste back down.

"Norman, experimenting." He said his throat still burning.

"Shit, so he actually did do something to you!" Tony said getting up.

"Yeah, it's not the only thing." He reached two fingers on the top corners on his mouth and lifted to show the new teeth.

But by the gasps of the others something new must've happened because the new teeth weren't that shocking.

He flicked his tounge to feel them and his eyes even widened. They were longer. He closed his mouth and looked back at the toilet.

"Fangs. Was Norman trying to make you more spider than human?? Let's get you off the floor" Tony said helping him up.

He walked to the mirror and looked at the fangs? He had fangs.

He was trying to calm down but at the same time he witnessed his fangs retreating back up his gums and settle at normal length.

It didn't hurt but felt weird as hell.
They all stood there shocked and creeped out. He could see all their horrified faces in the mirror.

"Let's go over this tomorrow, it's too late for all this" Bruce sighed after a minute of silence.

They agreed and wished Peter a good night and wished him well dealing with his new... side effects? He didn't know what to call these new things. Did Norman mean for this to happen.

It doesn't matter what Norman meant he just has to deal with it. So far nothing is too drastic. Strength, Fangs, Mint.

He could deal with these things but he was afraid something very bad would happen like make him look more spider. Extra limbs or more eyes. He doesn't think he could handle something like that.

Bruce stayed behind to check the mint wasn't damaging him. He did the standard check like his breathing and his throat to see if the mint had any side effects besides being nasty.

"Doesn't seem like the mint has caused any other reactions. You should be fine until morning.

"Friday alert me if anything else happens with Peter" Bruce said.

"When it comes to Peter I'll handle it." Karen said and he smiled. He also saw Bruce smiling.

"Ok Karen. I keep forgetting you're also here" Bruce said leaving the room.

"I'll make sure nothing mint is in your room or the penthouse" Karen said.

"Thanks Karen" He said throat feeling a little better. Thank you healing!

"Of course" Karen said sweetly.

"Now off to bed, you need your sleep" Karen said and he rolled his eyes but he was laughing.

"Night" he said to the ceiling as he left the bathroom. He was greeting with the sight of Ned and MJ with mattresses on the ground.

"If you're going to start dying in the middle of the night I'll make sure to be the one to finish you off" MJ joked plopping her blanket over her mattresses.

"I'll be honored to die by your hand" he said before falling onto his bed.

"Lights off please" He said and the lights were turned off.

"So...... you got fangs" Ned spoke up after a few silent minutes.

"Yep" he said awkwardly.

"Have you bit anything yet?"

"No! Why would I bite something??" He asked sitting up and looking at Ned.

"To test it!" Ned said as if it was obvious.

"What would I bite?? Wood? Metal?" He said shaking his head.

"Night losers!" MJ ordered and that was it of the conversation.

He just laid there for a bit before he got in a more comfortable position and flipping his pillow. He fell asleep happy he wasn't alone.

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