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Well I guess was right that people like this. It got 100 reads in less than a few weeks. And I'm starting the chapter like this. Enjoy

I dropped it off at the lobby but didn't see anyone, did you get it?

Yeah, sorry can't really let you know who I am.

It's ok but would've been nice to know. So how do you think the black widow will think of the new widow bites?

I'm sure she'll love them

I may have upgraded them a little so it could hold more shock in each hit. I also may have amped the shock charge up, it'll hurt when you get hit and most likely paralysed but it won't kill.
"Don't know how he did that and kept them stable enough to use, kid must have some serious knowledge on engineering, maybe more then Tony." Nat joke a little while looking over Bucky's shoulder at the texting like the rest of the Avengers. "Yeah right, must have been luck you would need more than a highschool degree to upgrade my technology when I deem it impossible to upgrade more." Tony tried to argue. "Guys can you be little more quiet??" Bucky asked annoyed at the arguing. Tony grumbled something but Bucky didn't care.
Upgraded? Must be very smart to upgrade technology that Tony Stark made.

Well not to be rude to Tony Stark but it was quite easy, all I had to do was amp the shock up and put a little copper in the back so when the shock would release it would be absorbed before it backslashes at the user. But the shock it absorbed would then be put back into the battery compartment for the next use, making it last longer.

Wow you must be very smart to figure that out. Are in college early or something?

No highschool, freshman. Just know a lot of things.

So a highschooler outsmarted Tony Stark😂 guess he isn't the great genius he says he is
Bucky felt Tony a light slap the back of his head "still smarter than you" Tony said. "Yeah but out smarted by a highschooler" Clint said while laughing. Tony glared at Clint. They heard a ding and looked back at the phone.
1. Just upgraded a simple widow bite. 2. Glad to see you're using the emojis
3. I'm a big fan and he's totally a genius, and also Bruce banner.

Yeah a widow bite he said he couldn't upgrade anymore

How would you know he said that? DO YOU WORK WITH TONY STARK!?
"You're giving away so much information without realising it" Nat said "Well what should I say?" Bucky asked. "Well can't lie he's smart enough to know a lie" Tony said.
Yeah, that's how I help people and how I know the black widow loves the widow bites.

Bucky expected a flick in the back if his head from Nat meaning she doesn't love the new widow bites but nothing when he looked back at her she was inspecting the widow bites and looking at the design of a black widow with a slight smirk that anyone could easily miss.
Well?? Does she like them?? Are they good enough?

I'll check
"So Nat? What do you think?" Bucky asked. "They're small, portable, upgraded, and redesigned. Yeah I'd say I love these." Nat responded still studying the widow bites. Some people raised brows at her but looked away when she looked back up.
She says she loves them, especially the new design.

Oh I'm so happy! I hope she noticed I designed the black widow as a female widow,
Nat smirked "yeah I noticed it but thought it was a coincidence"
she says noticed

It's crazy to be texting someone that can just talk to them.

Trust me not really amazing, sometimes a curse with pranks and all

Pranks? The Avengers prank each other?

Totally Clint's the worst but when Tony gets into it he goes above and beyond.
"That's to teach you who runs this tower and has the power" Tony said after reading the text.
That's hilarious

Really not when you get caught in the cross fire.
They waited a couple of minutes but spider didn't respond. They waited and eventually drifted off to their own things. Mainly watching tv or cooking cookies. (Guess)
After around 30 minutes the phone dinged and they all gathered around the phone.
So sorry, I had to do something important. It was kind of thrown on me and had to deal with it immediately.

It's ok, mind me knowing what it is?

Sorry it's kinda personal but I'll try to text when I have to leave.

So this'll be common?

Well kind of I just got distracted so that why it as thrown on me, it won't be like that again.

Well if we at least know when you have to go then that'll be ok.

Thanks, I just looked at the clock I have to get to bed, night!

At that they also looked at the clock. It was pretty late so they all started heading to their rooms. With everyone moving around walking to their rooms no one notice Nat write numbers down on a piece of paper and walk to her room with it.

So I wanted to test the whole switching from texting to reality kind of thing, What do you guys/girls think? Like it or should I drop it? Also saw I saw I have reader/s from Indonesia, I had to do a presentation on Indonesia for social studies before the whole social distancing thing. So shout out to my reader/s in Indonesia. That's it, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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