Till Next Time

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Heyyyyyyyyyy, so this weekend I decided to upgrade my hamster's enclosure! He now has much more room to run and actually burrow. He decided to burrow next to his water.



10 Eggo waffles in and still hungry

When Eddie wasn't looking, he snuck half a waffle to Sonny and Cher. He was amused at Eddie's current face.

"I know teenagers eat a lot, but this is excessive!"

"Enhanced....Metabolism" He took a bite of waffle #11 mid-sentence.

Eddie shook his head.

"How are we going to return you?" Eddie thought out loud.

"Mail me." He joked.

"So not to rush you, but I got a flimsy lie back home and it's a real slim chance they haven't found out yet. Sooooooo, the Avengers may take a spontaneous visit to San Francisco." He said. Eddie's eyes widened.

"The Avengers! Fuck, why didn't you tell me sooner!" Eddie asked.

"If you're worried about them finding your home or your identity, don't be. The last location they could possibly track is the rooftop we fought. The mask can't be tracked now." He lifted up the ruined mask.

It may be on but barely. Karen can't connect to it; it can't do anything. It's just a mask with lights inside.

The recording of the fight is safe with Karen, she wouldn't just show them the recording. At least he hopes not.

They left Eddie's apartment a while ago and now walking around the city, Eddie had a destination, but he kept getting sidetracked. He had to look like a typical tourist, he's seen plenty and saved PLENTY.

Eddie got sick of turning around to see him far behind looking at everything. So now Eddie held onto his hand like a little kid. If he really wanted to, he could easily drag Eddie around, but he obliged to Eddie's wishes to stick with him. Eddie did stop in one store and bought a burner phone.

They finally got to their destination, the Washington Square Park.

"Well since the Avengers are coming to get you, I think that fixes our problem. You can call them and tell them you are at Washington Square Park and done."

"Hopefully they'll come quiet and not land the Quinjet here." He said.

"Then you better tell them that! No landing a jet here." Eddie said.

Eddie handed the burner phone to him and began to walk off.

"Wait, what's your number?" He asked.

"Why?" Eddie asked.

"To text you, I'll probably have more questions for venom." He said with a smirk.

"Then no, I don't need you spamming my phone." Eddie said.

"It's best to forget we met. Goodbye Peter." Eddie said then started walking away.

He watched Eddie's back and saw a little black ooze wave to him. He smiled and waved back. Then he saw Eddie swat the small black ooze.

He looked down at the burner phone.

The only number he actually remembers is Bucky's because it similar to Ned's and he memorized Ned's.

He punched in the first few numbers when an open palm was in his view. He looked to his side to see a blond woman with long hair.

By her clothes he could only guess she is an agent. He handed her the burner phone somewhat awkwardly, and she began to turn around.

"Follow me" Was all she said, straight to the point.

He followed her to a similar car as the one Fury first picked him up in. It's recognizable if you know what you're looking for, but it can easily blend in.

She opened the door for him, he thanked her and got it.

Fury was sitting there with a slight annoyed expression.

"I see you've made quite the friendship with him. Eddie Brock, isn't it?" Fury asked.

"Yeah" he said dryly, no point in lying.

"What's going to happen with him?" He asked.

"That's none of your concern Parker" Fury said and then the car started, and they drove off.

"I just want to know if he'll be ok. He is a good person, not at first glance but-"

"What happens with him is confidential." Fury stated ridding all the words on his tongue. He looked down at the floor of the car.

"But I have a feeling you'll be seeing him again" Fury said quietly.

He looked up at Fury. Fury didn't have any emotions on his face, he smiled. Eddie will be ok. He sighed, he knew no matter if he was there or not Eddie would've been found, but he can't. At least he got to meet Eddie and Venom.

It was a quiet ride, for the others maybe, but for him. He could hear a lot. New sights, new sounds.

He had to ask if they could stop and get some food before going to the hotel.

They did to his surprise. And he got 2 large sandwiches. They looked good but he did miss Delmar's sandwiches.

He waited to get to the hotel because he wasn't allowed to eat in the car.

When they got there, he rushed to his room, flopped onto the bed, turned on the tv and Jurassic Park was playing.

He enjoyed the movie so far, but he only got to where they get into the cars on the track when he heard something.


A lot of shouting.


My hamster burrowed some more. I also added some hay so it's not just bedding. And I got a bigger wheel for him. Been active all weekend.

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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