Solo Misson

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Ayo everyone! So, I watched Spider-Man No Way Home! I loved it but I was severely disappointed with the ending. 

Anyways Enjoy!


He held his phone in his hand staring blankly at it. He'd been staring at it for a while now because of a few simple words.



Behind your school, black SUV. Peter Parker//Spider-Man


He felt a little out of it. His face felt cold. He listened to his heart pump but then-

His head snapped up at the call of his name.

"Parker, eyes up. Put the phone away. And while you're at it, answer this question." The teacher said sternly.

He sighed and answered the damn question and went back into his head over the situation. They're most likely already here since it's close to 4th period. He should tell Ned or MJ about this. Next class was with MJ, so he rushed there to tell MJ before class started. And there she is, even as he rushed, she always got there first. 

This has been a yearly thing. Halloween he'd try to rush there and leave a secret candy gift, but MJ was already there. Then Christmas, he had necklace for her, a black dahlia necklace. It was her favorite flower. He had rushed even faster but there he stood in defeat at MJ already at her desk. He knows he can give it to her directly, but he needs the right time.

He sighed at the memory. the necklace was in his bag for the time being. He approached MJ and bent down a little to whisper. He pulled his phone out and showed her the text. She read it and then seemed to study him. 

"You're going to go alone aren't you" MJ asked but didn't need an answer.

"It'd be better alone but I wanted to tell you." he said. MJ gave him a small smile at that.

"I'm glad you're telling me instead of dealing with it alone." MJ said. He almost winced at the thought of the whole venom ordeal. It was just venom though. 

"If you don't call me by 5, I'm calling the police." MJ said simply. He nodded. 

If this was clearly any villains of his, they'd ambush him not text him.

And they'd have to get his number.

4th period was impossible to focus. He was running scenarios in his head again. This person was likely smart, and where would he be taken in the car. 

Every agonizing minute seemed like an hour in his head. Kept going over scenarios. What if they out his identity? What if they target his friends? What if they go after Miles? What if.. What if, what if. 

Left in the dark and so many possible scenarios. 

The final bell finally rung, and he practically booked it. Once he was at the back of the school his eyes scanned the road until he found the black SUV. That's not the only thing. The windows were incredibly tinted. That made it stand out even more. 

He walked over to it, as he neared it the back down opened and when he saw who was inside his jaw clenched. 



Well at least he knows some scenarios will be crossed out. 

"You are a hard man to get a hold of Parker."

He got in the car and buckled his seat belt. He then looked over at Fury.

"What do you want from you. You already have my identity so you must need something" He said. 

"I have a proposition for you. You do one thing for me, and you can swing your heart out after without worrying about Sheild." Fury started. 

"That must be a big favor for you to offer to leave me alone after." He said sighing. 

"It is. You'll be going on a solo mission out to San Francisco." Fury said smirking at his widened eyes. 

"That's all the way across the country!" He exclaimed. 

"Why can't the Avengers do this?" He asked. 

"This mission is below Avengers, but I would like to see Stark handle this alone. The person we're tracking happens to be able to take out our agents." Fury said. He bit his lip.

"Take out as in kill?" He asked. Fury gave him a look. 

"No, he let them live but we've seen him kill criminals, I believe you're capable of handling this mission." Fury said giving him a smile he couldn't read. 

He only nodded. This doesn't seem terrible. And this person didn't kill the agents only criminals, which isn't better but does show the person has some set of morals. 

"Good, now keep quiet about this" Fury and then the doors unlocked. He opened his door and saw he was outside the tower. 

He shut his door and the car drove off. 

He pulled his phone out, it was only 3:50. He called MJ. 

"Well, that was quick" MJ answered the call. 

"Yeah, it was Fury. he's-" He cut himself off as he was literally told to be quiet about it a minute ago.

"He wants me to do him a favor and he'll leave me alone." That was a good summary. 

"What's the favor? or can you not tell me?" MJ asked knowing the answer yet again.

"The favor doesn't seem bad, I think I got it"

"Where are you now?" MJ asked.

"I'm outside Avengers tower" He answered.

"Ok, see you tomorrow" MJ said.

"Bye" He said then MJ hung up. She waited for his reply before hanging up. He smiled before pocketing his phone and entering the tower.


San Francisco. 

So, I remembered in early chapters people commented that I wrote Fury as a villain and I explained in Peter's point of view he is, but I made sure to keep that in mind when writing him now. 

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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