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Fight! Fight! Fight!


He ran back to the hotel with MJ. This was JUST GREAT. First he thought the world was ending but turns out it was all a damn lie. And HE ALMOST FREAKING DIED FOR NOTHING.

He busted into his hotel room. He picked up his suitcase and dropped it on the bed. He pulled his suit out and quickly suited up.

He noticed Ned in the doorway.

"Ned! Beck's evil."

"He's using illusion technology." MJ added.

"I have to go to Berlin to tell Fury in person."

"Phones bugged?" MJ asked.

"Most likely." He couldn't risk it.

"But didn't he save us?" Ned asked looking between him and MJ.

"'Save us' my ass. I almost died for nothing!" He spat lashing out but he quickly composed himself. Losing his temper at his friends isn't helping.

"Ok, so Ned. Tell Mr. Harrington that May wanted me to stay with family in Berlin." He instructed. Ned nodded.

He opened the window to see that it was almost sunrise. He needed to be quick.

"Don't tell anyone else. Anybody who knows will be in danger. Even Miles." He quickly said. He went to leap out but then MJ reminded him about the projector. Oh yeah, he'll need that.
Now he leaped out the window.

He had told them not to tell Miles because, like him, Miles would insist to go with him. Not only would it be a harder lie to pass off but also their luggage would be harder to hide. MJ and Ned could split his luggage and pass it off as theirs.

Besides he was going to Berlin to meet Fury.

He reached a train station and he noted that no one really looks up. Guess they aren't used to a webslinger in their city.

He landed on the roof of the train and he heard small gasps from inside but no one said anything about it.

By the time the train reached Berlin it was well into morning.

He leaped off the train and landed next to a lady.

"Do you know where I could find-" he tried asking but he couldn't finish because the lady rushed away.

He jogged up to the road to look at signs but he couldn't read them. Then a car pulled up in front of him. The window rolled down and there Fury was in the driver's seat.

"Get in" Fury commanded. He got in and they drove off. He ripped his mask off.

"Mr. Fury! Beck-" He began but Fury held up a finger.

"Wait until we're secure." Was all Fury said. He took a second to process that and nodded.

Fury looked over at him and gestured to the seat belt.

Oh. Yeah. Road safety. His mind was still running a mile a minute over Beck so he forgot. He reached back but as he pulled on the strap, the anchor points of the seat belt flew forward hitting the dashboard.

Oh shit. He let go of the seat belt and put his hands in his lap. Right now he needs to calm down before he breaks anything else.

He tried, he really tried. But even as Fury and him were going up the stairs cases two steps at a time he kept thinking how he should explain this.

He should keep it simple, right?

They entered into a room and he couldn't but help to notice how ugly the building was. All white and glass everywhere. But now isn't the time to focus on interior designing.

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