When The Dust Has Settled

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Hey everyone, so I know I completed the book on a cliffhanger. Blame thick_grape
And now I've decided to update one last time.
And don't worry, my writing has improved.


Everything happened so fast

Too fast

No time to think, to blink, to breathe. Only move.1

His heart stopped for a moment. Skipped a beat. Or several. The loud gunshot in his right ear, for several seconds, he could only hear ringing. Until pained grunts finally reached his eardrums.

He looked over at Beck. He was crushing Beck's hand. The gun fell and clattered on the floor.

"You can't trick me anymore." He managed to get out before Beck crumpled to the ground. The gunshot wound is taking effect.

He quickly grabbed the glasses and commanded EDITH to shut down all illusions.

He watched as the giant storm was fizzling out, and all that was left were hovering drones.

"Send them back," He commanded. He watched the drones fly away.

He stumbled over to the other side of the walkway and leaned against the wall. He slid down and looked right at Beck.

He couldn't tell if Beck was dead or not.

"Call an ambulance." He said to EDITH. He's conflicted. He doesn't know if he wants Beck to survive this. But it's not his choice. He'll get an ambulance here and make sure to let them know. That'll be the best he can do for Beck.

He got up and made his way down, out onto the street. The street filled with abandoned, destroyed cars. He limped and stumbled forward, exhausted.

He focused on the ground, making sure he, the oh so graceful Spider-Man, doesn't trip on a chunck of concrete or a detached tire. But then he heard footsteps.

He looked up to see

"MJ," He meekly got out, still in a lot of physical and mental scars from this field trip. He noticed she was carrying a... spiked mace? But she quickly discarded it to run up to him.
He rushed forward to embrace her. He's so happy he's still alive.

"Are you ok!?" MJ asked (demanded) him.

"I'm ok. Kind of. What happened?" He asked, wanting to be filled in on her side of the battle.

"There were these drones, and they were hunting us in the museum (tower of london), but then they just stopped. Was that you?"

"Yeah..." He breathed out, spacing out a little realizing that if he had been any slower, he would've lost all his friends.

"Did you get him?" MJ asked, and he knew she was referring to Beck. And he did confirm but conflicted.

"I brought that." MJ lifted her hand, motioning at the spiked mace. "In case you needed some help," that made him grin. Grin like he was a kid who was told to pick out something from the candy aisle. MJ thought of him even right after almost dying. He looked down, embarrassed or whatever this feeling was. Bashfulness?

He was about to say something when something poking his leg caught his attention. Then his whole body went cold. The necklace. He never gave it to MJ on that bridge, and he rushed to tell Fury about the discovery he didn't take it out of his pocket.

He pulled it out and for a necklace that's gone through hell. It looked like it, but it surprising wasn't in a million pieces. Nonetheless, it depressed him, looking at the broken flower.

"I'm really sorry, MJ. I wanted to give you this when we were on that bridge, and I know you're not into that romantic stuff, but I wanted to just have a special moment on this disaster of a trip -"

"Black dahlia," MJ said, observing the necklace of her favorite flower.

"Yeah... your favorite, for the murder. I'm sorry it's broken, " He said, dejected as he held out the necklace for her. MJ looked at the broken flower and found it quite symbolic. Such a beautiful necklace... destroyed.

"I actually like it better broken." She said, taking the necklace and putting it on. She pocketed the broken pieces, confident she could find perfect places for the shards.

MJ kissed him. Never has he felt so assured, and then she pulled away.

"I have to get back with the rest." She explained before picking up the spiked mace and strolling away. He couldn't help but find the sight of MJ strolling down a destroyed bridge casually with a medieval weapon funny.

Then his hearing picked up on the sound of a certain hovercraft.

He turned to see Shuri flying down in the only open space.

"Get in Spider-Boy. Iron daddy is going ballistic over the phone. Calm him down so he doesn't cross the Atlantic in his suit!" Shuri called to him.

He rushed to the hovercraft and grabbed the phone from Shuri as she took off.

"Heyyyyyyyy," He awkwardly answered, and he heard a chorus of


He's gonna have a shit storm to deal with back at home.

"Can we stop at McDonald's or something before we get back?" He asked Shuri as he set the phone down on speaker.

"Who said we're going to New York? I'm taking you home." Shuri laughed as the shouting from the phone got louder.

He smiled and collapsed on the floor of the craft.

"Wake me when we get there."

Sincerely, I thank you all for reading my book. I spent so much time writing for this book that when I finished it, I left it for a while. I got a part-time job with school, and I worked on myself to become I person I am happy with.

I've become someone who I like, and that has led me back here. It's kinda symbolic with how I ended the Finale chapter, and now here I am back to add the last bit of the story.

Thank you all. I hope you Enjoyed reading my book!

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