Double The Spider, Double The Trouble

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Hey, so how are you all?

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Hey, so how are you all?

I'm currently procrastinating. Procrastination isn't a common trait of mine and I don't think anyone has ever really called me a procrastinator. But I'm just good at making things presentable last second. Like in one class I rewrote a script/speech before we had to present and my group had congratulated how well and fast I put it together.

Wanna how I do it?

Stress, lots and lots of stress

Also in case any are wondering about what day it is, When Shuri said she was leaving it was Tuesday and Peter was kidnapped Tuesday night and Norman died Saturday night. Now it's Sunday.

He opened his eyes to see the familiar poster of the Avengers on the wall of his room. He sighed and flipped over. He can't think of them after Norman.

There was a searing pain in his chest. Regret, sorrow. He pulled the covers over his head and laid there until there was a ding from his phone. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he grabbed the phone. He dreaded seeing one of their names but was relieved when he saw Ned's profile picture.

Dude, u good? U haven't been at school since Tuesday?

Yeah dude, Avengers discovered I'm mutant but not Spider-Man. And got kidnapped.

HOLY SHIT. dude are u ok?

But your Spider-Man and ur texting me so u are.

Who kidnapped you?

Do you know or was it some mysterious masked figure?

Did u kick their ass?

Can we meet and I can explain?

Yes! And maybe get MJ too. She'd want to know about this.

Yeah she would.

He texted MJ asking if she was free for the afternoon. Then she responded with "is this you asking me out" and he went beat red and in the nicest way possible trying to tell her no.

They met at a Delmars and they sat down. "So what is it?" MJ asked raising a brow when he sighed. "I, I-uh kind of killed green goblin." He said and the knot in his stomach twisted.

He looked at his two friends facial features. Ned was at complete shock mouth agap. And MJ also had a shocked face but mouth not wide open. "And by your regretful face you didn't do it on purpose" MJ assumed.

"His own glider impaled him" he whispered looking down at his lap. "He ordered it to try to impale me while I was crouching infront of him but I flipped out of the way and Norman became the target." He explained.

"Well problem solved, you didn't murder him. He did. He was so idiotic and crazy he didn't realize the glider might not hit you and also didn't realize is that your skinny and the spike would've gone through you AND also hit him. Even if you were hit it would've still killed him." MJ said.

Now it was his turn to be shocked. "Oh don't give me that look. It isn't your fault. As I see it since you weren't in control of the glider and it was coming right at you better just a villain dead then a villain and the hero. It was the best outcome from that situation. Now sure you could've tried to stop it but you didn't have your webs and you were in the air. What were you going to do? Defy gravity and try to redirect the glider." MJ kept going.

He clenched his jaw cursing MJ and her logic. "Don't do that. I'm right and you know it." MJ said but then she sighed and her face softened "listen Peter. I get it, you believe it's your fault Norman died and you feel like you should've done something like you actually could do anything in that situation. But you couldn't. You can't save everyone. Norman caused his own death in trying to kill you. Not you. Just cause your Spider-Man and have powers doesn't mean you can do everything." MJ said.

He looked down avoiding making eye contact as his tears flooded his eyes. "Harry's gonna hate me" he said and he heard his own voice crack with emotion.

"Does Harry know?" Ned asked. "Yes he knows I'm Spider-Man and I'm the reason for the death of his father." He said rubbing his eye. "Harry will understand. He knows you wouldn't kill someone even if it means you'll die." MJ said.

Their conversation would have continued but an explosion near bye interrupted them. Then as if by fate the other Spider-Man swing by. He got out of the seat and ran outside with his bag looking back at his friends and their understanding faces. He ran to the alley and suited up and webbed his bag under a dumpster.

As he webbed out of the alley Karen connected to Ned's phone and he was talking to the two. "Yo dude what's happening!?" Ned shouted through.

He quickly got to the scene and saw a car on fire and gas tank ruptured, spilling gas. Before he responded to Ned he webbed the hole on the gas tank. "A car on fire, a gas tank leaking gas everywhere-" he was cut off by the ground shaking and almost comically he turned to see rhino.

But the other Spider-Man was attached to the back of rhino. He sighed "That is not how you take down rhino!" He shouted to the two and they both turned to him.

"Two bugs!?" Rhino yelled disgusted. "Arachnids!" The two yelled in unison back. "Aye!!" They yelled to each other in realizing what they did.

"Yo, dude give me a tutorial!" The other yelled. He webbed up to rhino but before landing webbed rhinos feet together. Causing rhino to trip then before rhino hit the ground he shot a web grenade below and it covered half of rhino then a second on top and it almost completely covered rhino.

Leaving the face he caccooned rhino adding another web grenade just to make sure. "And that's how you take down an angry rhino." He said.

"I need to get myself one of those grenades." The other spider said. Then his senses went off but not as a warning. "Huh so you're actually just like me." He said sizing the other spider up but not intimidating.

Yet again he was interrupted. Tony's repulsors. He mesmerized the sound after, the night. And low and behold Tony landed a few feet away. The other spider then yelled something


Peter doesn't want to see things that remind him of what happened. And as Spider-Man it isn't so weird to not want to be around Ironman.

Next chapter ideas here.
Next Peter is going to swing around with the new spider and probably get a "few" texts from a group.

I hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading!

988 words

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