Farewell E.T.

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Hey everyone. Soooo I bruised my sternum. Sucks but it's better than it being broken. Anyways we will be saying farewell to the Guardians in this chapter.
This is sad "Alexa play Despacito"



He sighed and walked out the kitchen to see an amused Tony.

"I would like to see what those things would do to a cutting board." Tony said. He rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go to the lab." He said and saw Tony's face turned into shock and then interest.

"They're still out" Tony said intrigued.

"Yeah, surprisingly it doesn't handicap my talking like plastic vampire teeth." He said tapping on of his fangs.  Then Tony had the audacity to reach out and try to touch them. He faked pounced, startling Tony.

"Oh you little shit" Tony said not amused with his little stunt. Tony set his hand on his shoulder and they headed to the lab.

He sat on a chair and sat there bored with his mouth open and Tony studying them with Friday. Tony moved to another bench and he closed his mouth and walked to Tony.

Tony had two similar strands of DNA side by side

"Are these my genes?" he asked studying the two strands.

"Yeah kid" Tony said and then Tony touched the holoscreen and zoomed in. DNA makes up genes so he quickly noticed the differences between the two strands. It wasn't anything substantial but a change in your DNA causes large effects. 

For most hearing your DNA changed would be scary, should be scary. But he's gone through this before. Now the mint thing is a set back but he'll live.  The fangs were weird and he didn't know whether they were useful or nuisance. And his strength.

Yeah he should tell Tony. But after another arm wrestle challenge. Priorities people. 

"We can study these anytime, you should go back. I'll stay here for a little longer" Tony said. He nodded and headed back to the main area. 

"You've never had cake?!" He heard Ned gasp. You can never be in Avenger's tower and hear a normal conversation. When he got to the room Ned saw him and bolted right to him.

"GROOT. HAS. NEVER. HAD. CAKE." Ned said with a serious face and put emphasis on each word. 

"We're baking a cake for you to take into space." Shuri ordered and they all just followed her to the kitchen. 

"Karen or Friday recipe please" He asked the ceiling and both of them answered. Karen listed ingredients and Friday listed the steps. Shuri preheated the oven, he got the PAM cooking spray, Groot and Ned got the flour. Groot stretched his vine arm and amazed Ned beyond belief. 

He greased and Ned floured the pan. Shuri got a mixing bowl and Groot got the ingredients described by Karen. Sugar and butter into the mixing bowl, mash them together because you ain't mixing that. Then add the eggs one at a time and mix, then came the vanilla extract. After he added the two teaspoons of vanilla he turned to Groot

"Hey Groot" He said to get the tree's attention. 

"Sniff this, wait can you smell?" He asked and Groot nodded (I hope he can) and Groot leaned in a sniffed. Groot had a pleasant smile on his face. He then got a spoon.

"You should try it" He said. (And no this is not the kind that tastes good) With a spoonful of vanilla and fed Groot like he was a little sapling. Groot's face morphed to very unpleasant and uncomfortable.

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