Learning Only Part Of The Story

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Ok so I may sound crazy but something weird but good happened. So you know how all of us have regrets? Well I have a few, nothing too bad but bad enough that I wish i could go back and redo, kinda pains me to think of them a little. Well last night I was thinking of all of them and just regretting life when all of a sudden I just let go of them. Like the close to impossible crap in movies about forgiving yourself  for your actions and others. And that just happened out of nowhere. It's insane but, I guess I can put it like this, I wiped my regrets away. They're just memories and I can think of them without any pain. And it's nice.
Now enough about that. Enjoy!

Peter slowly opened his eyes. Slowly memories came back about last night but got foggy after he felt hands on him. All he knew what that he felt immediate pain in his hand and then passed out. He looked at his hand and saw some bruises, then he look around eyes immediately landing on the destroyed wall.


   He got up and walked out of the room. He listened and hear them in the main area. He slowly walked down the hall, limbs feeling heavy. He let his feet drag a little while he walked. God how was this gonna go? He destroyed a whole fucking wall!

   He paused at the corner to the main area. He steadied his breathing and preparing to turn to corner to face them but someone turned to corner already. He then saw Shuri. Shuri's eyes widened. "Peter!" Shuri whispered. "You need to tell them you're Spider-Man soon. They think Osborn turned you mutant!" Shuri whispered.

  He gave her a pained smile "he uh, kinda did" he said and Shuri's brows furrowed. "Wait what?" Shuri asked. "I became Spider-Man because of an experiment he did." He explained. Shuri didn't respond "I'm about to put Obsorn 6 feet underground." Shuri said almost too calmly it creeped him out.

  "Please don't Shuri." He pleaded. But they're conversation was cut short by more people walking their way. "Just follow me" Shuri said quietly before quickly dragging him in the same direction the footsteps were coming from.

   Right before they turned the corner Shuri started to speak a little louder. "Well know that you know we need to go to the gym and test that strength of yours." Shuri said a dragged him past the group.

  He saw Tony and gave him a pained look. "Sorry about your wall." He quickly said before they turned the corner for the training rooms. He would have no doubt figured out he did the damage to the wall if he did just turn mutant.

  He heard the group following them at a distance. Him and Shuri entered the room and he was led to the weights. "Now let's see what you can really do." Shuri said and now he feels like this wasn't just a distraction so he wouldn't have to talk to the Avengers yet. Shuri was also just as curious but knew more.

  The Avengers are just learning part of his story.

    He sighed and lifted 2,000 pounds with ease. Then moved to 4,000, 8,000. Around 10,000 needed some more effort but at that point that was the highest weight they had. They never needed anything over 10,000 and the Hulk didn't need to work out.

  "Friday order some more weight please" Tony said in utter disbelief. Oh god Tony felt like collapsing right there. Peter could lift 10,000 and more.

   "Don't you find it a little weird how well he's taking this?" Nat asked out of the blue. They all now noticed how calm and collected Peter was. Tony's eye brows furrowed. Tony entered the room. "So um, 10,000" Tony began and Peter just stared at the weight. "You know I kinda expected this" he said.

  "What?" Tony asked. "Kinda expected something to change after he kidnapped me." He wasn't completely lying to Tony, he knew that his secret about being mutant would be out and things would change.  Norman obviously has a plan to expose him and his secrets are unraveling.

  "So, anything else different bout you?" Shuri said and Tony gave her a look. "He obviously isn't devastated by it, why not embrace it and find out what else he can do!" Shuri defended. "Now let's see how good your reflexes are" Shuri said giving him a sly smirk.

    Shuri quickly ran out the room and a minute later she returned with a bucket full of bouncy balls. He groaned.

"Where'd you even get that." He whined and Shuri laughed

"Start!" Shuri said.

  He stood across the room from Shuri and prepared. As Shuri threw the first one he quickly caught it almost without looking. He dropped the ball in the empty bucket next to him. Shuri then threw two and he caught both in both hands.

This went on for about 5 minutes and so far he had a good record going. He saw the others enter the room and watch him Clint joined in and try to grab some but couldn't grab them fast enough. Shuri had a strong arm!

Shuri threw the bouncy balls and he tried catching them but of course he can't grab them all.

When they were finished Shuri was sweating, Shuri grinned at him "Now senses" Shuri said before pulling out a blindfold. "Why do I feel like you prepared all of this." He asked as she put the blindfold over his eyes. Shuri only laughed.

He heard Shuri and the others leave.

"So what am I suppose to do?" He asked to no one.

   Outside the room

"Friday I need you to play this video in different frequencies." Shuri asked. They heard laughing in the room "Ok wow that's good. Playing vines in lower frequencies than a normal person can hear. This is so weird to hear them in!" He exclaimed in awe of Shuri's genius. 

  As he was listening to the vines he drifted off in his thoughts.

   Would it really be so bad to tell them. They did stop hunting him down. And-, oh god! Tony would feel so fucking guilty for shooting him. He couldn't do that to Tony and the rest of the team. That would just make the situation worse!

He was taking off his blindfold then a hand was on his shoulder. He looked and it was Tony, Tony led him back to the main area with the hand never letting go.

    They would look at him differently, act around him differently, and treat him differently. He just knows they'll be different if he told them. They'll probably keep him around but it wouldn't be the same.

  He relished the moment. He knew Norman wouldn't stop until they know but maybe, just maybe he could prolong that.

So I searched it Peter in the MCU can lift 25,000 pounds but comic Spider-Man can lift up to 300 TONS. WTH. Godamn! I totally did not do any math to see how many elephants and Chihuahuas comic Spider-Man can lift.

46 elephants
90,909 Chihuahuas.
I hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Titles for next chapter?
Next chapter will be focusing on the Avengers and others messing around with Peter's new powers and trying to get use to his powers.

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