Long Time, No See.

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Ugggggggg. I have to write a fricking narrative in English class. And it's historical fiction so I need to do a crap ton of research before hand so it can be historically accurate. And because I don't feel like writing I'm writing this instead. Logic.
Edit: I finished it and I finished it at 4 pages and a half. Now I'll complete this chapter

He woke up in a dark cell. He expected this so he wasn't exactly all that surprised. He let out a deep sigh but his chest aching interrupted it.

As he touched around he found he had about 2 broken ribs and others sore. It was dead silent and with his enhanced hearing he was used to constant sound no matter what but hearing nothing a quite unnerving.

He blinked his blurry eyes and his eyes adjusted to the dark room. It was empty besides the bed he sat on, which was very uncomfortable, and a toliet. Which he wasn't going to go near with his enhanced senses.

He sat there for what felt like hours. In deafening silence. Iy felt like his head should be hurting from a sensory overload but there was nothing to push him over the edge. He wasn't used to this type of sound. No sound. Then he heard something, footsteps, then a heartbeat.

It got closer but then started walking away so he quickly got up from the small bed and banged on the walls around him. The footsteps either stopped or got to far away to hear because he didn't hear them anymore. But then the footsteps slowly came back. He heard a soft and muffled "what the hell??"

It came from the wall to the right of him, so he walked over to that wall and banged more. He probably scared the person behind the wall but he needed to get out. He screamed help and that seemed to get the person moving. There was some shuffling before an outline for a door appeared and the wall slide out.

He rushed out and quickly scanned around him before his eyes settled on a familiar face. "HARRY!?" he said in shock. "PETER!?" Harry said back as in much shock as he was. "I haven't seen you since last year!" He said and hugging Harry. "Good to see you but why the hell did you come from my wall?"

He sighed "you know the goblin..... well your father is the goblin and kidnapped me because I got an internship working with Tony Stark himself and interacting with the Avengers" he explained leaving Spider-Man out of the picture.

Harry's eyes widened "woah- Peter- What??- What do you mean he's the goblin????" Harry said but he seems to take in the information as he stared Peter in the eye. "I know it's insane to hear but how else would I get in there. Take a look it's a cell and Norman Osborn put me there. I have to go before he comes back." He said and quickly rushed to the elevator. He's been in Harry's penthouse before for he quickly rushed to get out.

Harry rushed after him but before they got to the elevator it dinged and before he even thought he jumped to the ceiling. Harry stood slack jawed wide eyes staring up at him but quickly looked down to face his father. "H-hey dad" Harry sputtered out before Norman gave him a tight smile and walked off in the direction of the cell. He leaped down silently and dragged Harry in the elevator.

Every second the elevator took to get to the lobby was agonising. But when it finally opened to the lobby he rushed out and pulled on Harry's arm running away from the tower. "Shit- Peter stop" Harry said after a while of running. "Y-you're Spider-Man!" Harry whispered shouted. He nodded "yep pretty much why your father hates me." He quickly said and continued their path to Avengers tower.

He guessed it wasn't that bad Harry knew. They were friends since elementary school. But now that Harry knew he was now in put in danger of his Spider-Man drama.

When they reached the tower he rushed into the lobby with Harry following and not being dragged by him. He could have carried Harry here but decided against it. They shuffled in the elevator and he asked for the penthouse. "Peter, You currently have two broken ribs medbay might be a better choice of floor. Also I must ask but why is the son of Norman Osborn with you?" Friday asked "no time to explain right Friday we just need to get to the penthouse." He said and the elevator moved.

"So... do they know about..." Harry started and he shook his head. "No way, didn't you see the news about avengers attacking Spider-Man?" He asked and Harry's eyes widen "yes, shit, they attacked you." Harry said with a worried look. "But if they don't know then why are you coming here and how does Friday know you?" Harry asked.

He sighed "very long story. I got a deadly assassins number get accident and they were an Avenger and as more time passed they wanted to meet you and decided making me Tony Stark's personal intern was the best way but then I caught on and made the connection with the number and them and now we're here" He rushed through the explanation but Harry seemed to have gotten the idea.

"Damn seems like you had an eventful 2 years" Harry laughed and then he realised it had been 2 years since he's seen Harry. Harry had left for Europe to learn more about how to take over the company with less distractions. While Harry was in Europe doing that his life had flipped upside down. He got bite, lost his uncle, became Spider-Man, made enemies, became a hero amongst the civilians, got that number, was chased by Shield and Avengers, discovered the wrong number, got shield off his back, made friends with the Avengers, and got ambushed by Norman.

It was nice to see his friend again. But when the elevator doors opened they were pulled out and Harry was shoved into the wall. He heard "Get Peter to safety" before he was carried out the room. Fuck, they must have discovered Norman was the goblin and Norman's son happened to be with him.

I don't know if this is considered a cliff hanger but if it is then I'm just continuing with these cliff hangers.
I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading! 993 words

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