ch 2 a new begining

809 17 2

pov sen

strange i didn't hear a response "tamayo san?" i shouted "im in the basement" so i went to the basement and saw tamayo treating a young boy he seemed like he was about to die. how pitiful after suffering and being bedridden for so long he is going to die from his illness.

tamayo:" do you still wish to live? do you still wish to live even if you're no longer human? if this goes on you will most likely succumb to your illness. however loosing your humanity will cause you pain and grief. do you still wish to live?"

the boy agreed and tamayo began to treat him even if he agrees the chances of him living are slim, i went back upstairs "ill tell her later i shouldn't bother her right now" i thought. i went to the roof to take in the scenery a place i always went when i felt distressed "ahhh im gonna miss this view" i thought, should i leave?no i need to stop hesitating i slapped myself on the cheeks and after a while i went back in.

sen:" tamayo san can we talk?"

tamayo nodded and we sat down at a table i began to tell her my plans and that i would leave to travel around the day after tomorrow. tamayo san looked at me with a kind look.

tamayo:" alright be careful out there, and you dont need to worry about me ill be fine"

sen:" ill make sure to occasionally send letters and visit"

tamayo san then gave me a hug and we chatted a bit longer before i went up to my room to pack some spare clothes and some money. i wonder if that boy in the basement survived, tamayo san will have someone to help her if he does.

the next day

i spent my last day here wondering outside and going around shops like i always did, then something caught my attention "hmm that man with the blonde and red hair is he a demon slayer?" i met him once in the mountains when i saved a boy from a demon after that i occasionally see him pass by. is he on a mission? i ignored it and continued to walk around buying some handy stuff to travel with before returning. before i knew it the day of my departure came. i gave tamayo a big hug before leaving and i dropped by asahi's place before going on. "asahi san? hello? hmm is he out i guess ill see him when i come visit" CAW CAW i looked up into the sky to see that annoying crow thats always hanging around his house i really want to roast it. i waited a while to see if he would return but he didnt so i left a not and so i left.

two years passed

during these two years i went around traveling and slaying demons i became more adapt in combat and using my demon blood art, even though tamayo taught me how to conceal my demon side i still occasionally revert back. which is very risky so i tend to stay away from places where demon slayers will be. i started moving to the next town when i heard someone in the mountains i was in.


a scream someone is getting attacked i ran closer to where the scream is and i jumped onto tree to get a better view of the situation.

person:" AAAHHH s-someone SAVE ME"

the demon snickered

demon:" hehehe no one is comming little boy"


"hmmm? morphed demon? is that guy a demon slayer quite a weak one at that are all corps members incompetent like him" i unsheathed my sword preparing to attack "soul breathing second form reapers waltz within seconds the demon started to fade. soul breathing was a shoot off of asahi sans breathing because i couldn't fully master his i decided to make my own.

demon:" huh what just happened eh"

sen:" boy can you stand"

person;" y-yes"

sen:" then get going unless you want to die ill save your comrades"

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