ch13 a small sacrafice for you

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my whole body had started to burn it was the reaction that the spell i put on rengoku had been triggered" RENGOKU SAN" i didnt have time to grab my sword and i teleported to him.

3rd person pov

at this time rengoku had already suffered great injuries while fighting akaza upper moon 3, he went to deal the finishing blow" flame breathing ninth form RENGOKU" as he made a powerful dash towards him strong flames engulfed both of them as they have a power struggle and rengoku failed to decapitate him, akaza was then about to unleash a powerful attack aiming for his stomach, to finish him off but suddenly a crimson flame burned and it was not that of rengoku's. a girl had appeared and shielded rengoku from akaza's attack. his arm pierced through her stomach but she couldn't fully prevent his powerful attack and it managed to injure rengoku as well but not enough to pierce through his stomach, something that would've had happened and ultimately killed him, the injury on both if them was severe.

sen pov

when i appeared i shielded rengokh from the attack the demons arm had pierced through me and it still managed to hit rengoku "cough cough damn" i said as i coughed blood " blood demon art crimson eye" as the demon was blasted away i reverted back into a human before facing rengoku and dragged him away i laid his head on my lap while coughing blood and panting.

rengoku:" SEN what are you doing here aurgh"

he winced from the pain his injuries were severe he had an injured eye and a deep hole in his stomach

sen;" shut up and dont move tanjiro if you can move come here with a cloth put some of my blood on it and press it against his wound"

tanjiro stumbled over still shocked from what had happened and did exactly as i said, the demon had already been healed and was making his way over to us.

sen:" im glad that im a marechi at times like these rest ill deal with him"

akaza:" ho a woman just appeared how interesting and a demon one at that or are you human? no matter my name is akaza and who are you"

sen:" there's no need for you to know my name"

akaza:" quite a fiesty girl aren't you well either way you wont be able to beat me at that rate both you and kyoujurou will die, become a demon and fight for eternity with me KYOUJUROU"

he prepared to attack i whispered to rengoku

sen:" can... you do... me a favor and close your eyes until i tell you to open them?"

he nodded and closed his eyes i smiled at him.

sen:" anyone who can hear me cover your ears"

tanjiro and inosuke both covered their ears and i put my hands on rengoku's ears i began to revert into a demon my eyes turned red and a mark appeared on my body in order to fight akaza, since i didnt have a sword" blood demon art power of tongue"


akaza exploded into pieces i laid rengoku down and sprinted towards akaza he had already healed "blood demon art harems aroma" i used a spell to weaken him in order to have a better chance he started to wobble around but before long he snapped out of it. we began exchanging attacks both throwing demon arts at each other my healing abilities as a demon isnt as fast as his so i was greatly underhanded. i had to quickly finish this before rengoku dies, dawn had started to break


i grabbed his sword attempting to cut his head before he could escape my skin had started to burn and akaza managed to escape i crouched down and tanjiro quickly tried to cover me with his haori.

tanjiro:" sen san the sun quickly revert back or you'll burn!"

sen:" i cant do that if i do ill collapse from my wounds i need to get rengoku to the butterfly estate"

rengoku opened his eyes to see and was shocked to see what was happening


i ignored his remark i turned around while covering my face to check his wounds it was severe, i gushed more blood onto the cloth and tied it against his wounds on his eye and stomach to heal him,i hulled him on my back in attempt to carry him to the estate.

tanjiro :" sen san you cant not with your wounds and the sun is up"

sen:" ill be fine my wounds are slowly healing and i have your haori to protect me i wont die"

rengoku:" but you'll still burn the haori cant fully protect you"

sen:" never mind me try to stop your bleeding and dont look at me"

i began to run as fast as i could to the butterfly estate holding in the urge to scream from the pain of my wounds and the burning from the exposed skin" hurry faster or else rengoku san wont make it" i thought tears started to cascade my eyes thinking i would loose someone i love i could feel rengoku getting weaker and weaker and his blood drenching my back"

sen:" rengoku can you hear me dont you dare fall asleep on me"

rengoku:" aha aha... i wont... dont cry ill be fine you're in worse shape than me"


rengoku:" even so your healing slower than other demons"

sen:" just be quiet and dont talk"

renhoku:" yes"

after running a little while longer i arrived at the estate i screamed for shinobu and the others for help i then collapsed on the ground.

pov 3rd person

when shinobu and the others arrived they were horrified to see what had happened.

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