ch5 a new member

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sen:" oh my it seems it still works, my blood may be deadly to demons but to humans it can heal them to a certain extent"

ubuyashiki smiled and said :" i hope that is enough proof that she will not hurt humans"

sanemi clicked his tongue in annoyance, at least now they will accept me more as long as i dont show them my reverted side at least.

ubuyashiki:"well then my children that will be the end of our pillar meeting for today"

just as he was about to leave i interrupted him by asking

sen:" oyakata sama would it be alright for me to join the corps since i have already been doing something similar and since im already here i might as well"

ubuyashiki:" that is true though the final selection just ended a few days ago usually that is a process you would need to go through to join"

shinobu:" my my then why dont we have one of the hashira test her"

ubuyashiki:" thats a good idea and if she is fit i could also have her join as a member of the hashira we do have a missing seat asahi has been boasting quite alot about you"

rengoku:"hmu now then who shall be the one to test her though"

uzui:" i volunteer to do it i shall have her flamboyantly show her skills"

ubuyashiki:" is that fine with you sen san?"

sen:" yes... though i would've liked to fight shinazugawa san after all he did quite enjoy stabbing me" i said with a cold smile

a girl with pink hair then burst out laughing

sanemi:" oh quite a gutsy demon we have here dont we alright lets fight bitch"

sen:" though i dont mind what you call me i prefer you didnt call me a demon dear sanemi san"

i saif before leaving to the training grounds where i would be tested i could hear a irk mark form on his head, though my wounds hadn't healed yet it wasnt bad enough that i couldn't fight.

we both picked up our wooden swords and got into position, before i could react shinazugawa was already in front of me.

rengoku pov

"hmm this will be a interesting fight i wonder how she'll do maybe ill make her into my tsugoko if she doesnt make it as a hadhira" i thought as soon as the fight started sanemi quickly got in front of sen sans face she was able to quickly dodge it and hit sanemi with a barrage of her own attacks. they were fast and elegant and quite powerful. they continued for a bit and she seemed evenly matched with him until shinazugawa decided to use his breathes she struggled a bit after that, shinazugawa then went in and swung a diagonal attack, i thought the fight was finally comming to a end with shinazugawa as the winner but before i realized what happened she jumped high while dodging his attacks and knelt onto shinazugawas shoulders giving him a twist until he fell down and she pointed her sword at him and surprisingly won. she had a kind smile on her face which captivated me, within a minute she fainted i went to catch her and it seems her wounds didnt heal like a demons and she lost alot of blood me and shinobu took her to the butterfly estate to get treated.

sens pov

we had been exchanging attacks for a while and i could tell he is not a pillar for show he began to use his breath techniques after a while and gotten stronger, i need to finish this fast before i run out of stamina and my shoulder is killing me how hard did this jerk stab me. i jumped up as he attacked me with a diagonal slash and i landed on his shoulders i gave him a violent twist and slammed him into the ground as revenge. is it finally over my eyes were starting to get blurry i must've lost to much blood.

when i woke up i felt something tickling me and when i opened my eyes i was greeted with a pair of golden and red eyes.

sen:" w-who are you?!?"

i hurriedly got up and felt myself blush a little "why was he staring at me like that with his face so close i thought my heart was going to jump out that was scary".

rengoku:" yo it seems u woke up thats good im rengoku kyoujurou the flame hashira"

sen:" what are you doing here rengoku san"

rengoku:" i came to check up on you since you fainted all of a sudden it seems it was true that your only half since your wounds didnt heal"

sen:" y-yes my wounds wont normally heal unless i revert to a demon ahaha..."

rengoku:" i see, i came here for two reasons"

sen:" that would be?"

rengoku:" im here to inform you that you made it as one of the pillars in just one day congratulations that is very admirable, your sword will take 15 days to be forged rest while you wait"

sen:" sen ah i see thats good"

rengoku:"hmu well ill see you around sen san AHAHAHAHAH"

he then left while laughing loudly

"ahha ive done it i joined the corps the one thing i didnt want to do and as a hashira at that sigh" i looked around and found myself in a clinic with my injuries treated, then suddenly the girl with a butterfly hair clip appeared"

shinobu:" how are you doing do you feel any pain?"

sen:" no thank you for treating me shinobu san"

shinobu:" do you have anywhere to stay? if not we have plenty of rooms for you to choose from"

sen:" thank you shinobu san that would make things easier"

shinobu:" well then have a good rest so you can give your all in your first mission"

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