ch24 im back and gone

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i patted nezuko on the head

sen:" im guessing this is your ability"

tanjiro:" yes, and im glad that your ok"

we both dashed to uzui, and we saw him and his wives surrounding him nezuko went ahead to treat him. his wives made quite a fuss thinking he was getting cremated alive but tanjiro explained that nezukos blood demon art had the ability to nullify it, and everyone calmed down.

tanjiro:" your wounds are still there, so please dont move anymore im glad your all safe."

uzui:" is that even possible? you shouldn't move either you'll die"

tanjiro:" but i need to check the demon heads or i wont be at ease"

sen:" alright then but come here before you go"

i ripped an outter layer of my kimono and caught some of the dripping blood from my wounds anf wrapped his wounds with it.

sen:" that should heal you a bit now off you go"

nezuko that was carrying tanjiro ran of towards the demon.

sen:" its finally over uzui san"

uzui:" you did flamboyantly well as a newbie"

i chuckled, before long the kakushi's arrived they treated our wounds and out of everyone mine were the least severe. obanai who had been sent as backup had finally arrived, me and uzui were both quite pissed at how late he was, but im just glad that we were finally able to go home. on our way getting carried to the butterfly estate i remembered a promise i made. i said that i would visit kyoujurou after the fight.

sen:"kakushi san can you put me down? i would like to visit somewhere"


sen:" ill be alright please? just this one time"

the kakushi reluctantly agreed, and i started slowly making my way to the rengoku estate. it was late evening when i had arrived" should i have had come tomorrow is kyoujurou even here? i miss him" i was about to turn around to head to the butterfly estate when my eyes widened at the sight of kyoujurou walking out in a yukata.


sen;" i made a promise to you remember?"

kyoujurou:" that could've waited until you got better"

i smiled at him and my legs started to give out, as i was falling kyoujurou caught me and picked me up in a bridal style.

sen:" ne kyoujurou im kinda getting sleepy"

kyoujurou:"of course you're tired you can sleep here for today"

i looked up at him with a tired smile " ah how i missed that smile of his"

sen:" goodnight kyoujurou..."

i fell asleep.

kyoujurou pov

sen had fallen asleep in my arms i covered her with my haori and brought her in, she looked so peaceful sleeping in my arms.

kyoujurou:" senjuro call for a doctor and set up a room for sen"

senjuro saw the injured sen in my arms and worriedly asked

senjuro:" nii- san why is sen nee-san here while being so injured shouldn't she be at the butterfly estate getting treated?"

kyoujurou:" well thats because your nee-san is a dummy that keeps promises even when she is injured"

senjuro then went ahead to call a doctor and i carried her to a room and settled her down i grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss "ill see you tomorrow" i whispered.

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