ch40 an unexpected life

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2 month has passed and there isnt any signs of muzan as of date, the training had payed off and most of the pillars had obtained the mark. the only person who didnt was shinobu who was too busy with the drug development to train, strangely enough though i had a demon mark i was also able to obtain the mark the other pillars had.

sen:" kyoujurou what do you think will happen if i used both marks at the same time?"

kyoujurou:" hmmm i dont know but it will definitely put a strain on your body for sure"

sen:"hmm? but i might need to use both if we're going to fight muzan"

kyoujurou:" true... i would prefer if you didnt participate in the battle but i know i cant stop you"

he layed his head on my shoulder and started to play with my hands, we both felt the same way not wanting each other to fight and get hurt. at the same time we knew that this was the only way to end this thousand years of suffering."urgh"

kyoujurou:" sen are you alright?"

sen:" yea im fine just feeling a little nauseous..."

wait nauseous? my heart felt heavy and something dawned on me.

sen:" no way"

i quickly stood up making kyoujurou startled.

kyoujurou:" sen?"

sen:" im going to go visit shinobu san for a bit be right back"

kyoujurou:" let me go with you"

he said standing uo with a look of concern.

sen:" no its ok I'll be quick"

and i darted off towards the butterfly mansion, along the way i bumped into tanjiro who had came to get treated from shinazugawa's beatings.

tanjiro:" ah sen san"

sen:" tanjiro!"

i looked at him and his face and body were all swollen.

sen:" wow shinazugawa doesnt hold and punches does he"

tanjiro laughed and started to sniff and his eyes widened before brightly smiling.

tanjiro:" sen san are yo-"

i slapped his mouth shut and menacingly smiled

sen:" dont whatever you're about to say dont"

he nodded and i ran off to look for shinobu, i didnt want go believe whatever i was suspecting this is the worst time for something like this to happen. i slammed open the door to her office.

sen:" SHI-NO-BU SAN"

shinobu:" ara ara sen san what are you doing here so worked up"

she said smiling, i sat down and explained everything to her and she examined me.

shinobu:" congratulations sen san you're indeed pregnant!"

i heard a sound of glass breaking and i held my stomach, a tear rolled down my face i was happy and anxious at the same time. shinobu hugged me.

sen:" shinobu what do i do i cant fight like this, and an important battle is comming up"

shinobu:" im sure everything will work out after all we have 3 new capable members now so dony stress yourself to much for yourself and your baby"

i looked outside the window, as i felt myself already loving the child that has yet to be born but it really was a horrible time. i slouched down, and tanjiro saw me and flashed a gentle smile.

tanjiro:" sen san..."

sen:" tanjiro"

i stood up and felt a tug on the hem of my haori and i saw nezuko smiling i patted her head and thanked her. i slapped my cheeks and smiled.

sen:" alright no point in sulking ill just have to help in a less dangerous way"

tanjiro:" hai"

i went to visit tamayo to tell her the news she looked happy for me, i asked her if there was a way to fight without harming the child. she pondered for a while before going to grab something.

tamayo:" its not recommended but i can try to make a drug that can help a bit, even so its best that you dont head into battle."

sen:" alright thank you"

tamayo:" ill have yushiro deliver it to you once its ready"

i nodded and left the butterfly estate, now i just need to break the news to kyoujurou and hope the battle doesnt happen soon. i walked in on kyoujurou talking to senjuro, i approached them and jumped onto kyoujurou's back.

kyoujurou:" you're back sen how was the visit?"

sen:" its nothing im actually quite happy ill tell you later"

senjuro:" welcome back nee-san"

sen:" im back senjuro... ah and senjuro i need to talk to you about something later"

senjuro:" what is it nee-san?"

sen:" its a surprise"

i hopped off kyoujurou's back and headed to my room. "should i just straight up tell him?" i thought.


it was dinner time and i headed to the kitchen to help senjuro and talk to him about my pregnancy.

sen:" senjuro"

senjuro:" ah nee-san is there anything you would like to eat?"

sen:" hmmm well can you make some foods good for developing babies?"

senjuro turned around and looked at me wide eyed. i smiled at him and walked closer

sen:" you're going to be a uncle soon senjuro"

he looked really happy and gave me a careful hug.

senjuro:" im so happy for you two, did you tell nii-san yet?"

sen:" nope and thats what i wanted to talk to you about"

senjuro:" i see"

after talking for a while and preparing dinner, i decided i would tell him after the battle ended considering i didnt want him to worry and he would definitely prevent me from fighting. i planned on joining the fight only when necessary and the situation was bad, if i had told him he would prevent me from even doing that. though i dont know how long i can hide it since signs will start showing soon, i already had symptoms of morning sickness and the more the child develops the more signs will show.

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